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6 Debunked Myths About Gum Disease That You Shouldn’t Believe In

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22nd Dec 2021

Gum disease is an inflammation that occurs in gums. It can manifest itself through gum bleeding, bad breath, loose teeth, and other symptoms. Even though there is a lot of information about gum disease it is still surrounded by some myths and misconceptions. The main problem is that these myths are usually misleading and can result in serious complications. In this article, we have gathered six debunked myths about gum disease that you shouldn’t believe in.

1. Gum disease is rare

One of the most common myths about gum disease is that it is uncommon. But the truth is that this condition affects 50% of all Americans age 30 and older. It is more common in the elderly and people who don’t maintain proper oral hygiene. But you should know that all adults and even children are at risk of gum disease. 

2. Gum disease is caused only by insufficient oral hygiene

Even though poor oral care is considered the most common cause of gum disease, there are other factors that can increase your risk of getting gum inflammation. For example, up to 30 percent of the population may be genetically susceptible to gum disease. Additionally, people who have diabetes or smoke also have an increased risk of this condition. Hormonal fluctuations and a family history of gum disease can also boost your chances to develop gum disease. 

3. Gum disease always causes severe symptoms

Many people think that gum disease usually manifests itself through severe symptoms. But the reality is that many people with gum disease don’t experience any symptoms or have some mild signs that can be left unnoticed. For example, the early stages of gum disease can cause gum bleeding during tooth brushing and bad breath that rea not always linked with gum inflammation. That’s why it is essential to visit your dentist at least twice a year for an examination. 

4. Gum disease can be easily cured

It is important to understand that the early stage of gum disease that is called gingivitis can be cured with the help of oral hygiene, teeth cleanings, and medications. But if you don’t start treatment in time, gingivitis can aggravate and transform into periodontitis. Periodontal disease can cause tooth loss and other severe complications. Additionally, it can’t be cured. However, there are treatment options for periodontitis that can help manage your symptoms and improve your condition.  

5. Gum disease can disappear on its own

Unfortunately, gum disease doesn’t disappear without timely and accurate treatment. On the contrary, it can progress and lead to more severe symptoms. For example, gingivitis can start with gum redness and swelling. Over time, you may get gum bleeding, bad breath, and receding gums. If you don’t start treatment in this stage, you may get periodontitis that can lead to the development of pus between the teeth, gum pockets, loose teeth, and bone and tooth loss. 

6. Gum disease affects only health

Indeed, gum disease is a condition that affects the oral cavity. But you should know that it can also impact your overall health. As mentioned above, people with diabetes are more prone to gum disease. However, gum disease also increases your risk of diabetes. Additionally, gum inflammation makes you more prone to respiratory infections, stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, and heart disease. 

The bottom line

To prevent the development of gum disease, you should maintain proper oral hygiene and visit your dentist for examination on a regular basis. But if you already have at least some symptoms of gum disease, visit your dentist for treatment as soon as possible.