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23rd Feb 2023

What You Need to Know About Facial Plastic Surgery Long-Term Care

A facelift, also known as rhytidectomy, is a surgical procedure used to improve visible aging signs in the face and neck. Understanding the benefits of surgery, the possibility of additional procedures and lifestyle changes before and after surgery is critical for the healing process and determining whether facial plastic surgery is right for you.

Benefits of Surgery

People seek facial plastic surgery to feel more attractive and confident as their facial structure changes as they age. The most significant advantage of facial plastic surgery is that it boosts self-esteem by reducing fine lines, lifting brows, and firming jawlines.

Because the primary benefits of facial plastic surgery are cosmetic, your plastic surgeon must understand your desires and end goals for your appearance. It is often beneficial to have a surgeon create a computer image that shows how your facial features may change as a result of the surgery.

While bruising and swelling are quite variable among patients following facial plastic surgery, your face may look worse during the recovery phase before you see the results of the surgery. This may change your opinion of how the surgery went. Maintain a positive attitude—results take time to appear.

Possible Future Surgeries

If you are unhappy with the results or want a procedure that is different from the first, consider having additional plastic facial surgery.

Board-certified facial plastic surgeons frequently advise against further facial plastic surgery after the initial procedure. Part of the reason is scar tissue, but depending on the surgical technique used by the plastic surgeon, it may be difficult due to bone and tissue structure.

Plastic surgeons who specialize in "botched" procedures frequently perform additional facial plastic surgery for patients, but each case is different.

Lifestyle Adjustments

While no specific lifestyle changes are required following facial plastic surgery, your plastic surgeon will make lifestyle change recommendations prior to surgery. However, it is critical to maintaining those changes after surgery in order to ensure proper healing and reduce the risk of complications.

Drink Water

It is critical to drink plenty of water following facial plastic surgery. It lowers your risk of side effects (such as constipation) and infection while on narcotic pain medication.

Even after you fully recover from surgery, a healthy water intake will ensure that the facial plastic surgery results remain positive. Water consumption is linked to skin elasticity. Maintaining an adequate water intake brightens the skin and reduces the appearance of pores and wrinkles.

Adults consume an average of 39 ounces of water per day, which is only 60% of the commonly recommended eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (64 ounces total).

The Institute of Medicine recommends even more water consumption: 2.7 liters per day (about 92 ounces) for women and 3.7 liters per day for men (about 125 ounces).

Smoking Cessation

Plastic surgeons frequently require patients to stop smoking at least six weeks before surgery and refrain from smoking for the duration of the procedure.

Smoking significantly impairs the body's ability to oxygenate its blood supply, which can impede healing and result in infections or other complications. Furthermore, smoking harms the lungs, which can interfere with anesthesia.

Nicotine replacement therapy and medication can help you quit smoking. In addition, the American Heart Association offers a variety of resources to help you quit smoking, including support groups.

Engage in Physical Activity

Physical activity is essential for both physical and emotional well-being following facial plastic surgery. Once your plastic surgeon has given you the all-clear, try to get in at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity per day.

A moderately strenuous activity is one that causes your heart rate to rise and your breathing to become more labored.

Because of the risk of developing a hematoma in the face as a result of increased blood pressure during physical activity, most plastic surgeons recommend waiting at least three weeks before resuming activity.