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8 Facts About Ovarian Cysts

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8th Mar 2023

Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled sacs that develop in the ovaries, which are the organs in females that produce eggs. These cysts can be harmless and go away on their own, but they can also cause pain and contribute to complications. Here are eight facts about ovarian cysts that every woman should know.

1. Ovarian cysts are common

Ovarian cysts are extremely common, with the majority of women developing at least one cyst throughout their lifetime. In reality, many women have ovarian cysts without discovering them because they rarely produce symptoms. Ovarian cysts are more common in menstruating women but can develop at any age.

2. Ovarian cysts can cause pain and discomfort

Some ovarian cysts can be painful and uncomfortable, particularly if they are big, since they can rupture or lead to ovarian torsion. The pain may be acute or dull and located on one side of the lower belly. Women may also experience bloating, nausea, and vomiting. Ovarian cyst rupture and ovarian torsion If the cyst ruptures, it can cause intense pain and may require urgent medical attention.

3. Most ovarian cysts are benign

Most ovarian cysts are benign or non-cancerous. These cysts are typically tiny and will resolve on their own without therapy. However, in rare cases, ovarian cysts can be malignant. That is why it is essential for women to have regular gynecological examinations and to consult their doctor if they experience any ovarian cyst symptoms.

4. Ovarian cysts can affect fertility

Ovarian cysts can compromise fertility in some cases. Massive cysts can disrupt ovulation or make fertilized eggs difficult to implant in the uterus. If a woman is trying to conceive and has ovarian cysts or is having reproductive problems, she should consult a doctor.

5. Polycystic ovary syndrome is a common cause of ovarian cysts

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal condition that results in the formation of tiny cysts on the ovaries. PCOS can cause irregular periods, acne, and increased hair growth in women. PCOS can also interfere with conception and is a common cause of infertility.

6. Ovarian cysts can be diagnosed with an ultrasound

An ultrasound is often employed for diagnosing ovarian cysts. This non-invasive imaging test creates images of the ovaries using sound vibrations. An ultrasound can help establish whether the cysts are fluid-filled or solid, as well as their size and position.

7. Treatment for ovarian cysts depends on the type and size of the cyst

The cyst's form and size determine treatment for ovarian cysts. Small, fluid-filled tumors may not require medical attention and will resolve on their own. Larger cysts may require surgical removal if they are producing pain or other issues. Surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation treatments may be used to treat a cancerous cyst.

8. Women with a family history of ovarian cancer may be at higher risk for ovarian cysts

People with an ovarian cancer family history may be predisposed to ovarian cysts. This is due to the fact that certain hereditary mutations, such as those found in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes, are linked to a higher chance of both ovarian cancer and ovarian cysts. Women with a family history of ovarian cancer should consult their doctor about their risk and whether DNA testing is necessary.

The bottom line

Ovarian cysts are a common disease that affects a large number of women. While the majority of cysts are harmless and will resolve on their own, some can cause discomfort and pain and may require medical care. Women who have ovarian cyst complaints should consult their doctor and endure diagnostic testing to identify the type and extent of the cyst. Treatment choices for ovarian cysts differ and are determined by individual factors like age, fertility goals, and family history.