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Everything You Should Know About Custom Orthotics

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21st Apr 2023

Orthotics are shoe inserts or devices that are specifically designed to support and align the feet, ankles, and legs. Custom orthotics are made according to a particular individual's foot form and can help relieve pain while improving general foot function. In this article, we will discuss everything you should know about custom orthotics, including what they are, how they are made, and the benefits they provide.

What are custom orthotics?

Custom orthotics are inserts or devices designed to fit the unique form of a person's foot. They are intended to treat or relieve foot disorders such as arch discomfort, heel pain, plantar fasciitis, and bunions, as well as to enhance general foot function. Custom orthotics, as opposed to over-the-counter shoe inserts, are constructed individually for an individual's feet and can solve specific foot conditions.

How are custom orthotics made?

Custom orthotics are created by taking an impression of the individual's foot with a foam box, plaster cast, or digital scanner. The imprint is then submitted to a laboratory to be transformed into a personalized orthotic depending on the individual's exact foot shape and requests.

Custom orthotics might take several weeks to make since the laboratory must develop a mold of the foot and then use that model to produce the orthotic. When the orthotic is finished, it is returned to the podiatry clinic, which will help you fit it into the shoes.

What are the benefits of custom orthotics?

Custom orthotics have different benefits, including:

  • Pain relief: Custom orthotics are intended to relieve foot pain and discomfort by providing support and cushioning to the feet. They may help minimize the impact of walking or running while also providing additional support to the arch and heel of the foot.
  • Improving foot function: By managing foot abnormalities or misalignments, custom orthotics can assist enhance foot function. They may also help shift pressure on the feet, reducing the risk of injury and foot disorders.
  • Improving sports performance: By providing support and stability to the foot, custom orthotics may help improve athletic performance. They may improve balance, tiredness, and general foot function, resulting in greater performance and a lower chance of injury.
  • Preventing future foot problems: Custom orthotics can help avoid future foot issues by providing support and cushioning to the feet. They may also help in the correction of foot abnormalities or misalignments, therefore preventing the development of more significant foot disorders in the future.

Who can benefit from custom orthotics?

Custom orthotics can help a wide range of people, including those who:

  • Have flat feet or high arches: Custom orthotics may give arch support, alleviate discomfort, and improve general foot function.
  • Suffer from foot or heel discomfort: Custom orthotics can help relieve foot or heel pain by cushioning and supporting the feet.
  • Are athletes or indulge in high-impact activities: Custom orthotics can improve sports performance by providing foot support and stability.
  • Have foot deformities or misalignments: Custom orthotics may help correct foot deformities or misalignments, preventing the development of more significant foot issues later on.
  • Have diabetes or other medical disorders: By providing support and cushioning to the feet and preventing the development of foot ulcers, custom orthotics can help avoid foot issues in people with diabetes or other medical conditions.

You should understand that custom orthotics are not a one-size-fits-all solution and may not be suitable for everyone. It is essential to visit with a healthcare expert, such as a podiatrist, to establish whether custom orthotics are required and which type of orthotic would be most suited for your particular foot issues.

The bottom line

For anyone with foot discomfort, deformities, or misalignments, custom orthotics are a helpful tool. They cushion and support the feet, enhance foot function, and can help avoid future foot issues. Custom orthotics can be created using a number of techniques, including foam boxes, plaster casts, and digital scanners, and the procedure can take several weeks. The advantages of custom orthotics include pain relief, improved foot function, increased sports performance, and prevention of future foot issues.

In addition to custom orthotics, there are other strategies to promote foot health, such as wearing supportive shoes, stretching and strengthening activities, as well as maintaining a healthy weight. It is critical to care for your feet since they are the basis of the body and can impact general health and well-being.