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10 Veneers Facts You Should Know Before the Procedure

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2nd Jun 2023

Porcelain veneers may be the ideal option if you're seeking ways to improve a few things about your smile but are unwilling to go with something invasive like dental crowns or even implants. Dental veneers are a cosmetic technique absolutely capable of effectively restoring the look of your teeth. Here are 10 things you should  know about them before you start the treatment:

1. Veneers are a versatile option

A veneer is a very thin shell that covers your tooth's surface. This restorative dentistry treatment option can easily conceal and straighten chipped or cracked teeth, but it can also be used for other purposes. Certain patients can get veneers for rejuvenating teeth that are discolored, misshapen, or even wrongly pointed. The ultimate goal is for the patient to have an attractive and healthy smile.

2. Porcelain veneers are almost transparent

Veneers made of ceramic are so thin that they are practically transparent before the dentist bonds them to your teeth. Hence, after the veneers have been installed and your mouth has healed, no one would be able to say that you've undergone some type of cosmetic dentistry procedure as your smile would look completely natural and organically attractive. 

3. The shade of your veneers can be customized 

Natural teeth come in many shades of off-white in different people. To produce a perfect and most realistic smile, your dentist will make sure that your veneers match your other natural teeth and blend well with your skin tone perfectly.

4. You would have to wear a temporary set of veneers 

Given that getting dental veneers is a cosmetic procedure, it's important to be sure you enjoy the aesthetic results they provide. You will be given a set of temporary molds to wear for approximately a week. Following that, you may decide what modifications you want to make, and the final veneers will be created in accordance with your preferences.

5. Veneers is a minimally invasive procedure 

Some preparation would be required in order to install your veneers. Typically, half of a millimeter of the tooth's surface needs to be filed away. However, your teeth with veneers installed will appear exactly like the teeth around them since almost the same amount of tooth structure would be restored during the procedure.

6. Getting veneers is completely safe 

Porcelain is used to create veneers primarily for aesthetic and safety reasons. Porcelain is identical to real teeth in color and appearance, and it's immune to discoloration as well. Additionally, porcelain is safe when placed in your mouth since it is compatible with the human body and does not cause allergic reactions.

7. There would be a recovery period 

Your gums around the veneers require time to recover. The recovery will be quick if you're careful in your eating habits and practice proper dental hygiene. Furthermore, you won't experience any discomfort once the bonding has finished, and your teeth will feel completely natural. 

8. Veneers don't need any special maintenance

You won’t need to use any special oral care products when taking care of your veneers. Porcelain veneers can be brushed, flossed, and cleaned just like your real pearly whites.

9. Veneers aren't permanent

A porcelain veneer typically lasts 10 to 15 years. The veneer then starts to erode and can ultimately chip off. Hence, remember to schedule a checkup with your dentist every six months to ensure that your veneers aren't decaying and need to be replaced.

10. How much should you expect to pay?

Dental veneer prices vary depending on the kind, brand, material, dentist's experience, and where you live. Your porcelain veneers should cost you between $1000 and $2500. Aso, you can always opt for cheaper composite veneers that cost between $500 and $2,000 per tooth but last only 5 to 7 years.