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How to Treat Toenail Fungus at Home

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31st Aug 2023

Contrary to popular belief, fungal spores can affect not only the skin of the feet but also easily linger on the hard or other parts of the body. The sooner you adopt the most effective means of caring for an injured part of the body, the sooner you can heal it. Fungal nail infections can be difficult to treat. Talk to your doctor if self-care strategies and over-the-counter products haven't helped. Treatment depends on the severity of your condition and the type of fungus causing it. It may take months to see results. And even if the condition of your nails improves, re-infections are not uncommon.

Home Remedies

Unfortunately, such a problem as fungal infection of nails and skin not only occurs in adults but also in children. Our grandmothers used home remedies to get rid of the infection. The most helpful one, proven by time, is household vinegar which can be found in any kitchen. For a water basin, you need a glass of 9% household vinegar. Such baths are able to kill fungal spores, preventing their spread. Remember that this procedure can be very painful for irritated or damaged skin.

Antifungal Medications

Antifungals can be both topical and oral. They are often the drugs of first choice because they clear the infection faster than topical drugs. The action of these funds is aimed at accelerating the growth of the nail plate and more rapid exfoliation of its affected part. It usually takes 6-12 weeks for the toenail fungus to go away completely. The end result will be noticeable when a healthy nail grows back. In addition, the older the patient, the weaker the result of treatment. Adults over 65 may experience a longer recovery time and may also need additional topical medications.

Oral antifungals are not commonly used because they can cause various side effects. Therefore, if the disease is not advanced, doctors try to get by with external means. Blood tests are recommended to determine the exact dose of medication. Doctors may not recommend oral medications for people with liver disease, heart failure, or those taking certain medications. After all, their frequent side effects are skin rash and liver damage.

Special Nail Polish

Another remedy for the destruction of the disease is antifungal nail polish. You apply it to infected nails and surrounding skin once a day. After seven days, wipe the applied layers with alcohol, then start new applications. You may have to use this nail polish daily for almost a year.

Another treatment option is an antifungal cream, which should be rubbed into the infected nails after soaking. To improve the effect of creams, it is better to thin the nails first. A thinner layer will help the medicine to penetrate the fungus and destroy it. For this procedure, the stratum corneum is thinned with urea and removed with a file or other instrument. Remember that preventing fungus with folk remedies for the foot is possible, so if you suspect a fungus, use vinegar or iodine. 

How to Prevent Fungal Infection

The following habits can help prevent nail fungus or reinfection:

  • Wash your hands and feet regularly. Wash your hands after touching an infected nail. Moisturize your nails after washing;
  • Trim your nails evenly, smooth the edges with a file, and file thickened areas. Disinfect nail clippers after each use;
  • Wear sweat-wicking socks or change them throughout the day;
  • Choose shoes made from breathable materials;
  • Throw away old shoes or treat them with disinfectants and antifungal powders;
  • Wear shoes in pool areas, locker rooms, and public areas;
  • Choose a nail salon that uses sterile nail tools for every customer.