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10 Tips to Prepare for Wisdom Tooth Extraction

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27th Oct 2023

Having wisdom teeth extracted is a fairly standard and routine procedure. Extraction experiences and levels of pain differ from person to person, and you may have heard stories from friends, family members, or acquaintances who have had extractions in the past. If you or someone you know is about to have their wisdom teeth extracted, you may be wondering how to prepare for the extraction so that you have the least amount of pain and the best possible results. Continue reading to learn about 10 best ways to prepare for wisdom tooth extraction.

1. No food or drinks

If you are having wisdom teeth extraction under sedation, you will be advised to fast or refrain from eating and drinking after midnight the night before the procedure. This is done to reduce nausea and other complications during your surgery. Remember to follow the instructions, and if you forget, notify your dentist right away.

2. Prioritize sleep

Healing always necessitates a healthy body and adequate rest. Ensure you prioritize a good sleep schedule and adequate rest before and after wisdom tooth removal. This guarantees your body is well-rested and capable of recovering successfully from surgery. If you're tired right after surgery, take it as a sign that your body needs to rest, and don't feel bad about taking a break from work, social activities, and your everyday life.

3. No smoking, Vaping or alcohol

Avoid smoking and drinking for at least 12 hours before your surgery. Your dentist will also advise you to refrain from smoking following surgery to allow your mouth to heal. Try to avoid these activities and listen to your dentist's advice, as smoking and drinking may complicate the healing process and even cause problems during surgery.

4. Stock up on soft foods

To help heal after wisdom tooth removal, you should modify your diet slightly. This includes eating mostly soft foods like soups, puddings, and foods that are easy to eat without much chewing. You may also experience pain in your mouth for a few days, so proceed with caution in these areas. Stock up on foods you enjoy and know will be easy to consume ahead of time.

5. Bring a friend or family member

It's a good idea to bring along a close friend or family member for moral support and to assist you after surgery. You may feel sleepy and tired afterward, so some assistance is necessary.

6. No phones

Remember that phones are not permitted in the room where your extraction will occur. While undergoing treatment, leave your phone with a friend or family member or keep it somewhere safe.

7. Be open and upfront

Always be honest with your dentist about any medications you are taking, your family's health history, and any risk factors you may encounter. If you are taking prescribed medication, inform your dentist so that any drugs given to you will not interfere with your current prescription medications.

8. Get a ride

As with most surgeries requiring anesthesia, you will require someone to drive you home. You will be unable to drive after your extraction, so make arrangements ahead of time to ensure your safe return home.

9. Take time off

As your body requires rest to heal, it will be best for you to take some time off work or any other obligations you may have.

10. Ask questions

As with any dental procedure, ask your dentist questions beforehand to ensure that you understand the procedure and what it entails. If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask. Your dentist is a trained professional who can assist you with any concerns you may have.

Wisdom tooth extraction is a simple procedure that most dentists perform regularly without incident. Always remember to follow the dentist's instructions for the best results. There is no reason to be nervous or stressed before the procedure, especially when working with a reputable dentist.