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The Best Ankle Pain Remedies and Treatment Options

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29th Dec 2023

When your body is in pain and not functioning properly, it is not only uncomfortable but also annoying; especially if you have an ankle injury. If it aches to walk, it can utterly disrupt your daily life.

Furthermore, if you're an athlete, an ankle injury can interfere with your performance. Fortunately, whether you're struggling with a first-time injury or chronic pain, there are numerous strategies to alleviate stiffness and swelling.

When you injure your ankle, you want to act quickly. The worst thing you can do is ignore the pain and avoid taking the essential actions to heal as soon as possible. Here are some basic cures to aid you with your aching ankle:

1. PRP Therapy

Some ankle injuries are not treatable with the ankle cures listed above. If you're an athlete, you've probably harmed yourself several times and are still in pain.

Platelet-rich plasma treatment is a viable choice in this instance. It is a regenerative treatment that uses your cells to reduce pain and speed up healing. This approach is suitable for patients who require intensive care but do not wish to undergo surgery.

2. Medication

Inflammation is a primary source of ankle discomfort, and taking medicine that reduces swelling and pain is one of the best solutions. Because you can use ankle pain solutions to cure the ankle from the outside, you need also to take steps to heal the ankle from the inside.

Not to mention that you'll want something to assist you in relaxing. Because a sprained ankle isn't a serious injury, over-the-counter medication should suffice.

3. RICE Method

The rice method is an efficient home treatment for Achilles tendinitis and a suitable solution for a sprained ankle. The abbreviation RICE stands for rest, ice, compression, and elevation.

It is recommended to begin this procedure as soon as possible after your injury or discomfort begins to lessen your body's natural inflammatory response.

Rest– The goal of resting is to keep your ankle off the ground for a few days to ensure appropriate healing. The longer you are injured, the longer it takes to recuperate.

Ice– Ice helps to reduce swelling, so ice the region many times a day to hasten recovery and reduce swelling.

Compression– Wrap your injuries in a static or elastic compression bandage to reduce swelling. This helps to reduce swelling in your ankle and provides stability to it.

Elevation– Elevating your leg helps to reduce the blood flow to the site of the injury, keeping fluid away from the area and preventing extra inflammation and swelling.

4. Epsom Salt

After a few days, you can soak your ankle in warm water laced with Epsom salt. The salt relaxes stiff joints and soothes painful muscles and tissues.

You should avoid using this technique in the early stages of an injury because cold treatments are required to alleviate ankle inflammation and swelling.

5. Natural Ankle Remedies

A good Achilles tendonitis home remedy can be found in household products. Numerous natural products can aid with inflammation and edema reduction.

Check your pantry for garlic, turmeric, olive oil, or castor oil. Then, reheat these ingredients, put them on the wounded site, and cover them in a bandage for a few hours. This is a fantastic suggestion for folks who prefer to use natural remedies rather than over-the-counter medications.

6. Analgesics

Analgesics are another option for treating a swollen ankle. This medication is effective for lowering pain but does not improve edema. To help lessen the soreness of the injury, look for over-the-counter creams such as Bengay, Icy Hot, or Aspercreme.


Fortunately, ankle pain treatments are simple to use and successful in getting you back on your feet. Walking with ankle pain or inflammation is not pleasant, and the sooner you can resolve the problem, the better. However, in severe circumstances, professional assistance may be required to mend your ankle.