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What Is Fat Augmentation Breast Surgery?

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30th Jan 2024

While many women choose implants to have bigger breasts and greater cleavage, others prefer to have their breast size increased naturally using their own body tissue. If you want to enjoy your natural breasts while increasing their size slightly, breast augmentation with a fat transfer may be the surgery for you.

Breast augmentation is the most frequent cosmetic surgery, and it has advanced over time. Many women assume that implants are the only method to augment their breasts, yet this is only one choice. The desire to have 100% natural and bigger breasts is no longer a pipe dream, but a reality!

Breast augmentation with fat transfer is one of the least invasive and body-friendly cosmetic treatments available at our office, thanks to improved technology and fat transfer surgery.

Wondering about the benefits and drawbacks of this procedure? Before deciding on breast augmentation surgery using fat transfer, consider the following advantages and downsides.

The Pros of Fat Augmentation

Dual toning procedure sculpts your entire body

Without question, one of the most visible and convenient benefits of fat augmentation surgery is the removal of undesirable fat from body areas such as the thighs, waist, hips, and abdomen. This effective method of body contouring can reduce unsightly fat areas by a few inches, giving you greater confidence in your own skin.

Minimal invasive surgery

Breast augmentation by fat transfer is less invasive than breast implant surgery, with smaller incisions (~4 mm). Furthermore, it is an excellent alternative for those with sagging boobs (grade 1 ptosis). Although it takes two procedures: liposuction and fat injection into the donor body, it allows for faster recovery.

Liposuction uses small incisions, which reduces swelling, bruising, and scarring; nonetheless, you may have some discomfort after the surgery as your body heals itself.

The fat transfer surgery includes injecting fat into the breasts, which results in minimal scarring and a speedy and easy recovery.

Significantly fewer complications

Breast augmentation using fat transfer has a higher safety rate and fewer postoperative problems than breast implants.

Women who have breast implants are more likely to have capsular contracture, breast implant sickness, rupture, and other complications. If you choose breast augmentation surgery with fat transfer, you can avoid the hazards associated with implants as well as the high costs of corrective surgeries.

Natural, fuller breasts

Breasts feel and appear more natural than breast implants since your own body fat is injected into you, which is why it is also known as "natural breast augmentation surgery with fat transfer." If you don't want to put anything foreign in your body and prefer natural, bigger breasts, this treatment is a great solution for you. 

The Cons of Fat Augmentation

  • No implantation;
  • The increase in breast size may be limited to roughly one cup size. If you want to see a large increase in breast volume and curved cleavage, fat transfer surgery may not be the best solution for you;
  • Not all candidates can have it. If you are slim, you may not be a good candidate for liposuction because the fat transfer process requires a sufficient amount of adipose tissue. 
  • Unpredictable fat survival results. A board-certified plastic surgeon meticulously executes the surgery to ensure the highest fat survival rates when injected into the body. Fat typically survives at a rate of 50-70%, although depending on how each person's body reacts, some fat can be absorbed. This may result in less ideal enlargement, requiring more fat injections. This method may require one or more repetitions.

In addition, unlike breast implants, sagging occurs with age, significant weight loss, pregnancy, and other factors that cannot be prevented following a fat transfer treatment.