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8 Myths about Orthodontic Treatment: The Truth Beyond the Myths

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22nd Feb 2024

Orthodontic treatment is the process of correcting malocclusions and straightening teeth to improve the functionality of the mouth and the appearance of the smile. Despite the widespread use of this practice, there are many myths and misunderstandings surrounding it. In this article, we will look at eight of the most common myths about orthodontic treatment and clear them up.

Myth 1: Orthodontic treatment is only for children

This is one of the most common myths. In fact, orthodontic treatment can be performed at any age. While children and teens often have problems with their bite, adults can also experience malocclusion and other issues. Moreover, modern technologies such as invisible braces and clear aligners make treatment less noticeable and more convenient for adults.

Myth 2: Orthodontic procedures are extremely painful

Although some people may experience some discomfort after getting braces or when starting to wear aligners, orthodontic treatment usually doesn’t involve significant pain. Most patients become accustomed to the orthodontic appliances within a few days and can continue their daily lives with minimal or no restrictions. In addition, there are methods to relieve discomfort, such as using soft wax applications to alleviate friction.

Myth 3: Orthodontic treatment takes many years

The time required for orthodontic treatment depends on various factors, including the severity of the bite problem and the correction method chosen. In most cases, treatment lasts from several months to several years. However, modern technologies such as fast braces and aligners can significantly reduce this time. It is essential to follow your dentist's recommendations and all instructions to achieve the best results in the shortest possible time.

Myth 4: Orthodontic procedures can damage teeth

Orthodontic treatment performed by a professional dentist doesn’t damage the teeth but is instead aimed at improving their position and condition. However, at the beginning of treatment, some patients may experience a temporary feeling of mild discomfort due to the pressure exerted by braces or aligners on the teeth. However, harmful effects on teeth are unlikely, especially if the treatment is carried out under the supervision of an experienced specialist.

Myth 5: The results of orthodontic treatment are not long-lasting

Correctly performed orthodontic treatment provides stable and long-lasting results. However, following your dentist's recommendations after treatment is completed is essential, including wearing retainers and attending regular follow-up appointments. This will help maintain the achieved results for many years and prevent relapse of malocclusion.

Myth 6: Orthodontic procedures can cause health problems

Some people are concerned that orthodontic treatment may affect the overall health. However, scientific research and medical practice show that properly performed orthodontic treatment doesn’t have a negative impact on the patient’s health. On the contrary, correcting malocclusions and straightening teeth can improve quality of life, reduce the risk of gum and dental disease, and help maintain overall oral health.

Myth 7: Orthodontic appliances can be visible and unpleasant

With the development of modern technology, orthodontic appliances have become more discrete and comfortable for patients. Best Invisalign, invisible braces, and other innovative treatment methods can hide the process of teeth correction, making it less noticeable to others. This is especially important for adult patients who may feel constrained by wearing visible orthodontic appliances.

Myth 8: After completion of orthodontic treatment, teeth will remain absolutely perfect

Although orthodontic treatment can significantly improve the position and appearance of teeth, absolute perfection is not possible. After completion of treatment, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the teeth and gums, regularly visit the dentist for preventive examinations, and maintain proper oral hygiene. This will help maintain the achieved result and prevent possible relapses of malocclusion.

The bottom line

Orthodontic treatment is an effective and safe way to correct malocclusions and improve your smile. However, myths and misunderstandings can create unnecessary barriers for patients. Proper information and consultation with a specialist will help dispel doubts and make informed decisions regarding treatment.