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7 Common Long-Term Problems Caused by an Uneven Bite

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11th Apr 2024

Just like misaligned axles can lead to tire wear and handling issues in a car, a misaligned jaw can cause more than just dental problems. Your temporomandibular joints, responsible for jaw movement, play a crucial role in various aspects of your health, including breathing. Let's explore seven health problems associated with an uneven bite:

1. Poor oral posture

Proper oral posture involves keeping your lips closed and your tongue resting against the roof of your mouth. However, malocclusion, or an uneven bite, can disrupt this natural posture. Individuals with malocclusion may find it uncomfortable to maintain proper oral posture, leading to habits like mouth breathing or improper swallowing techniques. Over time, this can exert pressure on the teeth, causing them to shift and become crooked, even after orthodontic treatment.

2. Sleep apnea

The position of your jaw can affect your airway, potentially contributing to obstructive sleep apnea. When the jaw is misaligned, it can narrow the airway, increasing the risk of breathing disturbances during sleep. Fortunately, orthodontic treatment aimed at correcting the jaw position can help alleviate sleep apnea symptoms by ensuring a more open airway during sleep.

3. Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ)

Malocclusion is a common cause of temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ), characterized by pain and dysfunction in the jaw joint and surrounding muscles. The strain on the jaw joints from malocclusion can lead to discomfort, difficulty eating, and even speech problems. Additionally, weakened muscles may compensate by overworking adjacent muscles, resulting in tightness and soreness in the face, neck, and shoulders, leading to headaches and other symptoms.

4. Digestive issues

Chewing is the first step in the digestive process, and an uneven bite can interfere with this process. Difficulty chewing due to jaw misalignment may result in poor digestion and symptoms such as acid reflux and stomach discomfort. Moreover, improper swallowing patterns can lead to excessive air swallowing, causing further gastrointestinal discomfort.

5. Uneven tooth wear

Malocclusion alters the way teeth come together, leading to uneven wear patterns. Individuals with an uneven bite are more prone to teeth clenching and grinding, especially during sleep. This unconscious habit can accelerate tooth wear, affecting not only the bite but also the overall health of the teeth. Over time, this may necessitate dental intervention to restore proper tooth function and structure.

6. Facial aesthetics

An uneven bite can also affect facial aesthetics, altering the symmetry and balance of the face. Misalignment of the jaw can cause the lower jaw to protrude or recede, leading to an asymmetrical appearance or a weak chin. Additionally, malocclusion may contribute to facial muscle tension, resulting in a tense or strained expression. Correcting the bite through orthodontic treatment not only improves dental alignment but can also enhance facial harmony, boosting confidence and self-esteem.

7. Speech impediments

Malocclusion, particularly when it affects the alignment of the teeth and jaw, can sometimes lead to speech impediments or difficulties in pronunciation. This is because the position of the teeth and jaw can impact airflow and tongue movement, affecting articulation and clarity of speech. Addressing malocclusion through orthodontic treatment can help improve speech patterns and articulation, enhancing communication skills and overall confidence in social interactions.

The bottom line 

While these problems may seem daunting, they are not inevitable. Treatment options such as orthodontic correction and functional therapy can address jaw misalignment and strengthen facial muscles, preventing long-term complications associated with an uneven bite. If you're experiencing symptoms of malocclusion, consult with a dental professional to explore treatment options tailored to your needs. By addressing the underlying cause of an uneven bite, you can maintain both your oral health and overall well-being.