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Calm Your Bowel By These Simple Tips

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23rd May 2018

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An irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS is quite a widely spread disease nowadays. Such tendency has logical explanations. A life of a modern person is usually quite a mess. People work hard and have no time and possibility to mind their diet. Fast food, big intervals between meals and tons of unhealthy drinks this is our reality.

Add the constant hurry and stress to crown it all. Our bowel is extremely sensitive to stresses. Unfortunately, it is life, and sometimes we just cannot avoid it. Our brain understands it, but we cannot explain it to our body. As a result, we sometimes develop problems.

The IBS is always a complex problem. Therefore, the IBS treatment must also be complex and requires consultation of several medicine specialists. There are many discussions about IBS, between doctors from different fields, about the nature of the disease. Perhaps, there cannot be a universal answer for all the cases everything is individual.

Besides medical treatment that may even involve antidepressants and hypnosis (depending on the causative factors), you can help your irritated bowel yourself. Corrections in your lifestyle can bring a significant relief to your suffering body.

The main enemies of a healthy bowel are lack of sleep and physical activity and poor diet. Try to get more sleep and teach your body to empty the bowel in the mornings and after meals. Help your digestive system work properly by getting into a habit of drinking a glass of cold water after you wake up. A bit of morning exercises will also be very helpful.

Next step is a change in our diet. First, make natural products an option. The chemically aggressive substances can have a laxative effect you do not need. Even a chewing gum is not recommended. Be careful with drinks, especially with soda, alcohol and coffee. Regular drinking water is your best friend now. The more you will drink it, the better your digestion will get.

Of course, a lifestyle correction may not cure the disease, but it will definitely improve the situation, and, what is no less important your health in general.