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Latest Ways to Correct a Bite from Mouth Guards to Veneers

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16th Dec 2019

Nowadays we can change our body as our heart desires. For some people, the transformation of appearance is a way to become more self-confident but for some, it’s a kind of game. The reasons for changing your appearance don’t always lie in aesthetics. There are a number of orthodontic indications for bite correction. A bite is the ratio of the upper and lower dentition with complete closure of the teeth.

With a pathological bite, the load on the teeth is distributed unevenly which in some cases is fraught not only with grinding and tooth loss but also with distortion of the face shape, headaches and other deviations in the work of the temporomandibular system. The task of the orthodontist is to form a bite as close as possible to its physiological appearance. 

Modern methods include special orthodontic removable and fixed constructions. These constructions can be used on both children and adults. In all matters related to medical intervention, there is no universal treatment that works equally for everyone. Before going to the doctor, it’s good to find out how the mouthguards differ from trainers and in which cases veneers will be suitable.

Dental Plates

The dental plate is metal construction on a plastic base for the upper or lower jaw, which is fixed on the teeth with the help of special clasps. Unlike bracket systems, plates do not move the teeth but only hold them in a given position as they have a rather limited scope. The plates are set mainly for children and adolescents during the active development of the jaws and for adults to fix the result achieved by other correction methods.

If the task of the orthodontist is to expand the jaw, an expansion screw is inserted between the halves of the plates. With a gradual adjustment of the position to more consistent with the "right", this system aligns the dentition. Most orthodontists recommend removing plates when eating, brushing teeth, and playing sports. They must be worn for 3-15 months, depending on the indications.

Mouth Guard

For several decades, aligners have been successfully used to correct occlusion anomalies. The mouthguards are made of a transparent polymer material, therefore they are not very noticeable on the teeth. They help correct the bite in adolescence. For adults, mouthguards can be installed as the “final touch” after treatment with other methods.

To correct bite anomalies, round-the-clock mouthguards are used. They must be worn for at least 21-22 hours if the patient wants to achieve the desired result faster. After the bite correction when the effect of alignment is fixed, nightly mouthguards are prescribed. They are also used to protect teeth with bruxism.

Dental Trainers

Trainers are made of elastic silicone and are mainly recommended for adolescents. Trainers are put on the jaw during the night's sleep, as well as in the daytime for 2-4 hours. In children, trainers can stimulate or slow down the growth of the jaw, change the width of the palate, and the shape of the jawbones. In adults, they eliminate excessive pressure on the maxillofacial muscles and thus support the result of treatment with other methods.

Trainers work on minor relapses of tooth curvature after correction, bringing the tongue into the correct position, forming nasal breathing, and even to control the consequences of various bad habits related to dental health (the habit of gnawing on various objects). An important indication for the use of such construction is the impossibility of using dental plates and bracket systems.

The initial trainer used in treatment is soft, flexible and its design ensures quick adaptation. The final trainer is made of a harder material that affects the teeth more intensively. To consolidate the results after an active period of treatment, a retention trainer is used which helps to prevent relapse.

Bracket Systems

The bracket system exerts moderate pressure on the wall of the hole in which the tooth is located, as a result of which a slight divergence of the bone occurs and the tooth changes its position. The formed cavity overgrows with time, fixing the tooth in the new position. Correction can take an average of one and a half to two or more years. After treatment, the installation of a special retainer is prescribed so that the teeth do not return to their original position.

In addition to the classic steel braces, there are many other options. The ceramic option is durable, does not irritate the gums and is relatively invisible because they are matched to the shade of the teeth. Plastic ones are quite fragile and easily stained with food colors but are inexpensive and can be used to correct the bite in cases where wearing braces with metal elements is contraindicated. 

Sapphire systems are strong, transparent, and resistant to food colors. They are very similar to ceramic braces but more expensive. Linguistic braces are completely invisible to others. They are attached from the side of the tongue. Wearing lingual systems affects diction and treatment takes a little longer than vestibular braces.


These are the thin plates made of ceramic or composite material, which are superimposed on the front surface of the teeth and their cutting edge. Veneers mask chipped teeth, align the height of the dentition, eliminate the gaps between the teeth, and change the color of the enamel. These peculiar “half-crowns” do not move teeth, they only change the aesthetics, but this does not prevent the procedure from gaining more and more popularity. 

Veneers are not just for aesthetics but also protect teeth from damage. They are often set by wind-playing musicians in order to protect their teeth. Veneers are made in accordance with the shape, color of the teeth and patient’s wishes. Ceramic is more expensive but they are stronger than composite. It is important to remember that when installing any veneers, the enamel is irreversibly honed.

There are also ultrathin ceramic veneers the so-called lumineers, which supposedly can be fixed on the tooth without prior grinding. Both options have their pros and cons so ask your orthodontist if lumineers or veneers will be more suitable for you.