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10 Classical Myths About Plastic Surgery

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27th Aug 2020

Breast plastics can trigger the development of breast cancer

The implants used for mammoplasty are absolutely inert and have no effect on the breast tissue. After implantation, the implant is absolutely stable. That means it does not spin, does not turn over, does not move, therefore it cannot injure the tissue of the gland. 

Before mammoplasty, a woman undergoes a thorough examination, and after that she is under the supervision of a board certified plastic surgeon, gynecologist, and mammalogist. So if there are any breast diseases, including oncological ones, they can be revealed at an early stage.  

If you do plastic surgery, then you will have to use their services constantly

95% of patients in cosmetic surgery clinics have only one procedure in their life. Most often it is rhinoplasty or otoplasty. If we talk about rejuvenating operations, the most common are circular facelift and blepharoplasty. Moreover, the decision to undergo a plastic surgery is not made immediately. Several years may pass between the initial consultation of a plastic surgeon and the surgery itself.  

Plastic surgery makes a person's appearance beyond recognition 

A complete change in appearance and transformation into another person is a plot from spy novels. In fact, the plastic surgeon faces a completely different task: to refresh, rejuvenate the face, make its features more harmonious and attractive. The best plastic surgeons perform operations in such a way that the face looks as natural as possible, and others do not even notice that a surgery has been done.  

Breastfeeding is no longer possible after breast augmentation 

There is absolutely no connection between the placement of breast implants and the lactation process. They are usually installed not under the breast itself, but under the pectoral muscles and fascia, so they do not come into contact with the gland in any way. The only condition is that you can breastfeed at least a year after the implantation.  

Cosmetic procedures can replace plastic surgery

Modern cosmetology really allows you to rejuvenate your face. However, neither filler injections, nor hardware cosmetology techniques are able to achieve the results that are achieved with the help of surgical plastics. 

The effect of cosmetic procedures will last only 6-7 months. The result of plastic surgery is preserved for 7-10 years. Cosmetic procedures are not able to cope with anatomical defects and pronounced age-related changes. This in no way diminishes the advantages of cosmetic methods and products, you just need to use them to solve those problems where they are really effective. 

Silicone implants can rupture or explode

Modern silicone implants can withstand a load of up to 1000 lbs, so it is simply impossible to imagine what the trauma must be for the implant to collapse. But even if this happens, then its contents cannot leak out in any way, since the implants are filled with a cohesive memory gel. It will take its original form even when damaged.  

Only wealthy people can afford plastics

Prices for plastic surgery were high in the 20th century, when there were relatively few specialists in this field. Now the cost of such procedures is practically the same as for surgical interventions used in general practice. 

Students, housewives, service workers become the clients of plastic surgeons. The highest level of competition between the centers of cosmetology and plastic surgery clinics simply does not allow them to inflate prices.  

Visible scars remain after plastic surgery

Any plastic surgery involves making incisions. Of course, scars may remain. However, various techniques for applying cosmetic sutures makes them almost invisible. Very often, an incision is made in places where it’s not visible at all. In addition, the use of endoscopic equipment allows plastic surgery to be performed through small incisions, so the scars are very small and pretty hard to notice. 

Plastic surgery is a whim of hypocrites

Not everyone is endowed with harmonious facial features. Some people are not bothered with a humped nose, protruding ears, or small breasts. For others these things bring psychological discomfort and literally poison a person's life. Also, various anatomical defects can appear as a result of injuries, accidents. 

Finally, if a person wants to look beautiful and attractive, no matter how old he is, what is wrong about that? Thus, plastic surgeons do not just change a person's appearance, but help him solve psychological problems.  

The effect of plastic surgery lasts only a few years and will require a second surgery over time 

The effect of eliminating congenital and acquired anatomical defects lasts for life. The results of facial rejuvenation surgery last 7-10 years. With a healthy lifestyle and proper facial skin care the effect may preserve for 10-12 years. But even after this time, a woman or a man will look much younger than if such an operation had not been performed.