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11th Sep 2020

5 Disturbing Signs That You Choose the Wrong Shoes

It may be quite difficult to choose comfortable shoes especially if you prefer high heels or extravagant models. However, ill-fitting shoes can cause a lot of unpleasant symptoms and even lead to severe complications.

There are a lot of foot issues that can develop asymptomatically but the wrong shoe choice may aggravate them. That’s why you should always pay attention to the material, form, and other properties of shoes you want to buy. In this article, we gathered five disturbing signs that you choose the wrong shoes. 

1. You have ingrown toenails

An ingrown toenail can be quite unpleasant and even a dangerous issue. However, most people think that it is not so important and tend to neglect this problem. An ingrown toenail develops when the toenail punctures the skin and tissue of the toe. As a result, inflammation and suppuration may occur.

You should understand that shoes with a narrow toe box that press on your toenails can contribute to the development of ingrown toenails. Due to this pressure, the toenail starts to grow down and sideways. If you have noticed the ingrown toenails, cut them straight and choose wide shoes. 

2. You have bunions

Many people think that bunions are growths that develop near the toes. However, the reality is that bunions occur when the toe joint shifts out of the alignment. Despite the fact that bunions are a hereditary condition in most cases, the wrong shoe choice can also contribute to their development.

High heels with narrow toe boxes are considered the most dangerous shoes for women who are prone to bunions. They cause additional pressure on your toes and this makes them soft. There are a lot of orthotics that can prevent bunion development but surgery is considered the only effective treatment option.

3. You experience foot pain

If you experience foot pain, you should visit the foot doctor in New Jersey to evaluate your condition. You should understand that there are a lot of foot conditions that in combination with ill-fitting shoes can cause severe pain and other unpleasant symptoms. 

High heels press on your foot joints, flat shoes wear out arches, pointed shoes shift toes, and tight shoes run your skin. You should also know that the size of your feet changes with age and it is essential to measure it every few years to choose proper shoe size. 

4. You have blisters, corns, and calluses

If your shoes contribute to the development of blisters, corns, and calluses, it’s high time to get rid of them. You should understand that ruptured blisters may open the way into your bloodstream. As a result, various bacteria and dirt may enter your body. 

Corns and calluses occur as a natural reaction of your skin to rubbing and pressure. In most cases, you can get rid of corns and calluses on your own (or sign up for a pedicure). However, if you have diabetes or other conditions that cause poor blood flow to your legs, it is better to visit a doctor to evaluate your condition.

5. Your feet are sweating excessively

There are many people who suffer from increased sweating in the feet. However, if you have noticed that your feet sweat only in one particular pair of shoes, it may be a sign that these shoes block air access to your feet and increase the temperature of your feet. 

Increased sweating in your feet can contribute to the development of fungal infection. Fungi prefer a warm and humid environment that may occur on sweaty feet. That’s why it is better to choose shoes made from natural material and change socks when you feel that they become wet.