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6 Amazing Benefits of Mouthguards

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28th Jan 2021

Dental mouthguards are devices that have multiple functions such as protecting teeth from grinding or clenching during sleeping or from sports injuries. Mouthguards are also effective at reducing snoring and alleviating symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea.  

Dental mouthguards are especially recommended for kids, as they often get injuries during sports or any other physical activities. In fact, people can wear mouthguards for various reasons and can benefit from using these devices. Let’s look at six fascinating advantages of wearing mouthguards: 

1. Mouthguards can improve sleep quality and quantity 

Mouthguards can provide maximum comfort, as they can minimize your TMJ symptoms resulting in improvements in your sleep patterns. Mouthguard positions your jaw in such a way that promotes muscle relaxation and keeps these muscles relaxed. This will help you avoid the stress-filled sleep that often accompanies TMD.

2. Mouthguards prevent snoring 

Snoring can negatively affect sleep, leaving you and your sleeping partner fatigued for the day. Since your mouthguard will be designed to create a small space between the jaws, it will increase your air intake and effectively allow you to breathe better.

3. Mouthguards alleviate tension and pain due to bruxism  

Luckily, mouthguards are comfortable, practical, and lightweight. A dental specialist will design your mouthguard specifically for your teeth in a way that lowers the stress on your jaw joints and muscles caused by bruxism or TMJ disorders. This will effectively reduce wear and tear and ensure protection for your teeth.

4. Mouthguards prevent tooth damage 

One of the most important benefits of dental mouthguards is the prevention of tooth damage. Tooth damage is extremely common among children who do sports or are hyperactive. Sports injuries can lead to chipped teeth, damaged fillings, and excessive wear of the teeth and enamel. Wearing a mouthguard will protect you and your kid’s teeth.

5. Mouthguards can help you save money 

The tooth damage due to the unconscious grinding and clenching of your teeth and jaw at night tends to be quite costly. Possibly, the biggest effect of teeth clenching is that it slowly but surely destroys your teeth over time. When this happens, you may need restorative dental treatments. They are required for both aesthetic and functional purposes and are an expensive investment.

6. Mouthguards can prevent headaches 

Headaches are just one of the many annoying symptoms that come with TMJ disorders (temporomandibular disorders). Mouthguards make a big difference when it comes to these everyday aches and pains. Many people are surprised that after using their night guard consistently, they experience fewer or no temporal headaches or associated neck pain.

But despite having lots of benefits, mouthguards may not be ideal for everyone. Here are some cons of mouthguards you should know which may help you evaluate if a mouthguard is right for you.

1. Not Following Proper Instructions

Not using the guard as per instructions can make it ineffective. For good results, it’s essential to wear it every night and follow instructions carefully.

2. Getting Addicted

People usually get used to this dental device quickly, but it’s advised to wear a mouthguard for nearly 10 minutes before going to bed.

3. Improper Fit

If your mouthguard doesn’t have a proper fitting, it can slip off your mouth during teeth grinding. You might also experience irritation in your mouth. To avoid the wrong fit, use a custom mouthguard or follow the instructions carefully.

4. Not Designed for Long-Term Use

Mouthguards that are made of thin plastic or gel can break during bruxism. Therefore they are not designed for long-term use.