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15th Feb 2021

7 Ways Crooked Teeth Can Affect Your Physical and Mental Health

Straightening your teeth has more benefits than just an aesthetically pleasing smile. There are numerous physical and mental consequences of crooked teeth that can negatively affect your daily life. You may become so adjusted to your misaligned teeth that you can start changing the way you eat and talk without even realizing it.  

Continue reading to discover the seven ways your crooked teeth may affect your physical and mental health. 

1. Bite problems 
If you have an overbite, underbite, or gaps between your upper and lower jaws, you may experience problems with biting foods. A bad bite can make you rely on your back teeth more. This can lead to your back teeth wearing down or getting damaged. In severe cases, it can even cause choking hazards due to improperly chewed pieces of food getting caught in your throat and blocking the airway.

2. TMJ disorders
The temporomandibular joint connects your jawbone to your skull. Misalignment in your upper and lower jaw can put you at higher risk of experiencing TMJ disorders. The main symptoms of TMJ disorders are discomfort and pain in your jaw, headaches caused by clenching and gnashing your teeth. 

3. Lower self-esteem 
Misaligned teeth can seriously affect your self-confidence. You may start to experience social anxiety and can become hesitant to speak in public. Crooked teeth can also cause fear of negative social evaluation. Straightening your teeth with Invisalign aligners is a great way to both boost your self-esteem and achieve a perfect smile.    

4. Problem with expressing certain sounds
With crooked teeth, some sounds can be very difficult if not impossible to pronounce. This may cause you to avoid speaking in front of a large group of people or can lead to anxiety during job interviews. Misaligned teeth can also cause lisp or whistling. 

5. Difficulty with brushing and flossing 
Misaligned teeth can make it hard for toothbrushes to reach certain areas in your mouth. They may also create difficulty with flossing due to abnormally tight spaces between your teeth. All these can lead to teeth discoloration, tooth decay, cavities, and gum disease

6. Chewing in an unnatural way 
Crooked back teeth can cause you to use half of your teeth while chewing. Or you can start to chew with teeth that are not sharp enough. This can lead to insecurity when eating. Your back teeth can become damaged and sore due to constant wear and tear.  

7. Sleep Apnea
Sleep apnea is a disorder in which you repeatedly stop breathing while sleeping. The pause can wake you up so you could start breathing again, leading to a sleepless night. The main culprits of sleep apnea are narrowed airways and crooked teeth. Misaligned teeth can cause your tongue to fall into your throat, making you choke during the night. An overbite can cause you to sleep with an opened mouth. This can lead to the risk of shutting down the airway if you’re sleeping on your back.

The bottom line
Crooked teeth can lead to problems with expressing certain sounds and chewing certain foods.

They also put you at risk of experiencing TMJ disorders, difficulties with brushing and flossing, and potentially lethal disorders like sleep apnea. The unsightly appearance of your teeth can also lead to lower self-esteem and social anxiety. Consider straightening your teeth if you’re experiencing any of the aforementioned problems. Consult a dental specialist ASAP to determine if you’re a good candidate for Invisalign aligners.