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4 Quotidian Causes of Tooth Pain

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26th Jul 2021

Tooth pain can be sharp, dull, constant, and severe. Toothache makes the list of the severest types of pain. Tooth pain can have many causes, but the most common ones are tooth decay, tooth abscess, tooth fracture, a damaged filling, and infected gums. People can not ignore this pain, so they usually ask for professional dental help as fast as possible. But in most cases, such severe pain is caused by poor oral hygiene. Good oral hygiene includes flossing, tooth brushing two times per day, and using toothpaste with fluoride. In this article, we want to tell you the most common causes of toothache.

1. Cavities

Cavities are holes made by acid in your mouth (acid erodes the tooth enamel). Cavities or tooth decay start from small holes and become bigger, but if you treat it, this process can be stopped. Tooth decay is a worldwide problem that can affect anyone, from babies to adults. You can prevent cavity formation just by having good oral hygiene and regular dental check-ups. Tooth decay may cause tooth loss, in turn, causing many problems, for example, gum disease, tooth nerve pain, self-esteem problems, or even digestive problems. There are three types of cavities: smooth surface, root decay, pit, and fissure decay. If you think that you have tooth decay, here are some of the symptoms you may recognize: 

  • Tooth pain
  • Bad breath
  • Swellings
  • Abnormal sensitivity
  • Redness
  • Gums bleeding

2. Tooth abscess

A tooth abscess is a pocket with a pus that forms in any place of your tooth. A tooth abscess is a result of an infection caused by bacterias. In general, people highlight three types of tooth abscess: gingival, periapical, and periodontal. A tooth abscess is a problem we can prevent in some ways by stopping smoking, having good oral hygiene, trying not to have a dry mouth, and of course improving our immune system. If you want to leave it untreated, you should know that this infection will spread to the other parts of your body, for example, the neck, face tissues, and exceeding. Symptoms of a tooth abscess include:

  • Tooth pain
  • Swellings
  • Tooth sensitivity
  • Awful breath
  • Disgusting taste in your mouth 
  • Fever
  • Pain while eating that spreads to ears, jaw, and neck.

3. Tooth fracture

Tooth fracture is also a common problem, many experience it because of aging, eating or biting food too hard, or even grinding their teeth at night. This type of fracture is a crack of enamel that in turn protects the blood vessels and nerves. There are different types of tooth fractures, but we want to introduce you to 3 of them: craze lines, fractured cusp, and cracked tooth. You are in the risk group for tooth fracture if you have current tooth decay or damage, pressure from teeth grinding, aging, etc. You can prevent tooth fracture in a few steps: do not chew or bite hard food, stop grinding your teeth and wear appropriate sports equipment to protect your teeth and overall health. Symptoms of teeth fracture:

  • Severe pain
  • Swellings
  • Strange sensitivity to cold, hot, sweet, or sour products

4. Gum disease

Gum disease is a very common disease among adult people, rarely among children. Gum disease means that you have swollen, sore, or even infected gums. This causes bleeding while tooth brushing. If you want to leave it untreated, you should know that it causes your teeth to fall out. Gum disease has a few stages, occurring first with gingivitis to periodontitis. Periodontitis causes tooth loss. Symptoms of gum disease:

  • Tooth pain
  • Loss tooth
  • Awful breath
  • Disgusting mouth taste

The bottom line

All in all, when a tooth hurts it is unpleasant. Please, contact your dentist and make an appointment. They will help to detect the problem and solve it. Use drugs only when an appointment is not available to temporarily relieve pain. Tooth pain is abnormal and you should not live with it.