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4 Surprising Causes of Morning Headaches

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29th Jul 2021

If your day begins with a headache, it is unlikely to be a nice one. Morning headaches are a serious health concern. They can impair your attention, performance at work, and mood. This condition can develop for a number of reasons. Occasional morning headaches may be caused by nothing significant. However, if you are regularly dealing with morning headaches, it can indicate something serious.

Luckily, most causes of morning headaches can be easily treated or prevented, allowing you to wake up without this disabling pain in your head. To avoid morning headaches, you must first identify what is causing them. The following are some of the most frequent causes of headaches with tips on how to treat them.

1. Bruxism

One of the common causes of morning headaches is teeth grinding and jaw clenching, also known as bruxism. When you grind your teeth during the night’s sleep, the pressure on your jaw increases. This can trigger symptoms such as facial discomfort, headache, and jaw pain. The temporomandibular joint syndrome can also be caused by bruxism. TMJ can worsen your morning headaches and headaches in general. 

If bruxism or TMJ syndrome is causing your headaches, medical attention is necessary. You need to visit the best dentist so they can make a diagnosis. The dentist can recommend wearing mouthguards to prevent grinding. Also, reducing your stress levels helps prevent bruxism and the development of TMJ syndrome. 

2. Insomnia

Insomnia can cause both morning headaches and headaches in general. Insomnia is a health condition that causes difficulty falling or staying asleep. It can make you feel drowsy in the morning and fatigued during the day.

Getting a better night's sleep is crucial to avoid morning headaches. Insomnia can be a primary illness or a symptom of another underlying condition. Poor sleeping can be caused by poor sleep hygiene and excessive levels of stress. Heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes are just a few of the health problems that can cause sleep deprivation. 

3. Sleep apnea

Sleep apnea is a dangerous sleep disorder. It can interfere with breathing during sleep. Several episodes of sleep apnea might occur during the night. Because of poor oxygen supply and increased pressure in the brain, you may wake up with a headache.

It might be difficult to determine if you have sleep apnea on your own. If your partner frequently complains that you are snoring or that you wake up unusually exhausted, this might be an indicator of sleep apnea. If you suspect you have sleep apnea, be sure to make an appointment with your doctor to discuss the symptoms. The doctor may recommend surgery or a special device to keep your airways open during sleep.

4. Something more serious

If you have a morning headache, it is crucial to seek medical help. Morning headaches can indicate a serious health problem that requires prompt medical help and treatment. This can be a symptom of increased brain pressure caused by a tumor in your head. When people with tumors are lying for a long period, the cerebrospinal fluid pressure increases. This can make you wake up in the morning with a severe headache. 

Besides, a tumor can cause swelling that stretches the coverings of the brain. This can also trigger headaches both in the morning and during the day. Other symptoms of a brain tumor may include changes in vision, difficulty balancing, feelings of drowsiness, and mental health issues. Of course, this is the rare cause of morning headaches, but you still need to check it with your doctor.

The bottom line

Waking up with an occasional headache is usually nothing to worry about. But you could benefit from examining your sleeping patterns. However, if it occurs on a regular basis, consult your doctor immediately. This can help you determine the root cause of the problem and how to fix it.