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7 Worst Foods for ADHD

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24th Nov 2021

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a mental condition in which a person experiences unusual levels of hyperactivity and impulsive behaviors. This disorder is also accompanied by trouble focusing attention on a single task or sitting still for long periods of time. 

While ADHD is incurable, it can be managed by various treatments like behavioral therapies, medication, or natural remedies such as eating a nutritious, balanced diet. Eating the right foods and avoiding certain products might help manage ADHD more effectively. 

Children with ADHD may have reduced levels of critical fatty acids, according to some studies. Early research, however, has not consistently shown that adding omega-3 fatty acids to the diets of children with ADHD improves their behavior.

Some neurotransmitter transmissions are affected by omega-3 fatty acids (brain chemicals). While a healthy balance of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids is ideal for overall health, the average American diet is deficient in omega-3s. 

There are some foods that you should avoid if you suffer from ADHD. These include: 

1. Frozen fruits and vegetables 

Though fruits and vegetables are good choices for an ADHD diet, some frozen brands have artificial colors, so it’s best to check all labels properly. Some frozen foods tend to worsen ADHD symptoms as they’re treated with organophosphates for insect control that have been found to provoke neurologic-based behavioral problems that mimic ADHD and many other behavior issues.

2. Fish and other seafood 

In the long run, eating fish and other seafood containing trace quantities of mercury can exacerbate ADHD symptoms. Shark, king mackerel, swordfish, and tilefish are among the worst choices for ADHD sufferers. Mercury is exceedingly difficult to digest, similar to cellulose, and can build up in the brain over time. Hyperactivity may occur as a result of this. Talk to your doctor or ADHD nutritionist about the best types of fish to include in an ADHD diet.

3. Foods you’re sensitive to 

When people with food sensitivities are exposed to particular foods, they can develop ADHD symptoms. Milk, chocolate, soy, wheat, eggs, beans, corn, tomatoes, grapes, and oranges are some of the foods that can trigger ADHD symptoms. If you think your ADHD symptoms are being caused by a food sensitivity, talk to your ADHD nutritionist or doctor about trying an elimination diet.

4. Energy drinks 

Energy drinks are growing more popular among children, particularly teenagers. They also contain a plethora of substances that might exacerbate ADHD symptoms, including sugar, artificial sweeteners, artificial colors, caffeine, and other stimulants. Energy drinks are high on the list of factors that lead teenagers to exhibit ADHD-like behaviour. They have no place in an ADHD diet that is nutritious.

5. Candy 

Candy has a lot of sugar and artificial colors, which is hazardous for those with ADHD. Both of these chemicals have been linked to the development of ADHD symptoms. Candy is a major contributor to ADHD due to its high sugar content and artificial coloring.

6. Cake mixes and frostings

High levels of sugar and artificial colors in cake mixes and frosting might cause hyperactivity and other ADHD symptoms. Artificial sweeteners, like those that are found in frosting and cake mixes, raise the likelihood of ADHD symptoms more than natural sweeteners.

7. Sodas and caffeine-containing products 

If you have ADHD, it’s best to avoid soda. These drinks typically contain many of the same sugars and sweeteners that make candy unsuitable for children on the ADHD diet. Other components in soda, such as high-fructose corn syrup and caffeine, aggravate ADHD symptoms. Excess sugar and caffeine use can produce hyperactivity and easy distraction. According to a 2013 study, 5-year-olds who consumed sodas were more likely to exhibit anger and social disengagement.