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Everything You Need to Know About Rhinoplasty

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27th Jan 2022

There are many ways to enhance facial appearance. But creams and facial filler may only slightly change imperfections rather than eliminate them. For this reason, more and more people every year choose plastic surgery procedures to improve imperfections.

One of the most popular facial plastic surgery procedures is rhinoplasty. This procedure helps improve your nose function and appearance. While most people think that only women seek rhinoplasty, the number of men considering this procedure isn’t significantly less than women.

Take a deeper look at the rhinoplasty process, risks, and recovery.

Rhinoplasty basics

Rhinoplasty can be done to improve your appearance or restore the proper function of your nose. Some patients may require surgery to fix a problem with the cartilage that separates one nostril from the other. Others just want to reduce the size or form of their nose. The common types of rhinoplasty include:

  • Nose bridge straightening
  • Nostril size-reduction 
  • Nose tip reshaping
  • Breathing passages opening
  • Enhancing or reducing the nose size

Considering rhinoplasty

It is crucial to find an experienced plastic surgeon who specializes in rhinoplasty surgery and has high satisfaction rates from previous patients. It is also recommended to have the rhinoplasty in a certified clinic. If a problem arises, an expert surgeon and a well-trained team will be able to assess and correct the issues.

Before the surgery, schedule an appointment with the surgeon to discuss your objectives and explain to the doctor your concerns about your nose and how you want to fix them. The surgeon will examine your general health and explain the risks, recovery time, and price of the procedure in your unique case.

It is important to remember that the doctor cannot make any shape of the nose. But surgery can improve facial traits and highlight your unique and natural beauty. The architecture of your nose and other facial characteristics will be evaluated by the surgeon and inform you if your expectations are reasonable after this review. 

There are several methods for reshaping the nose. After you decide to have a rhinoplasty done, the surgeon will explain exactly what they intend to do. If you have health insurance, make sure you contact your provider in advance to understand what is covered and what you will need to pay for. 

Rhinoplasty process

A nose job is often an outpatient operation, which means there is no overnight stay in the clinic. You will be given either general or local anesthesia. You'll sleep through the procedure if you get general anesthesia. With a local anesthetic, you will be sedated and your nose will be numbed, making it impossible for you to feel pain during surgery.

During surgery, the surgeon makes incisions within the nostrils and reshapes the interior bone and cartilage. In more difficult situations, the surgeon can make incisions across the base of the nose as well. 

Nose job risks

Just like any surgery, rhinoplasty has certain health risks. While complications are rare, you should still know about them. The common nose job risks include:

  • Facial swelling
  • Bruising of the tissues surrounding the surgery site
  • Scarring 
  • Nosebleeds
  • Temporary numbness
  • Permanent sensation loss
  • Need for additional surgery

Rhinoplasty recovery

For the first week after rhinoplasty, you’ll have to wear a nasal splint. After the procedure, it is recommended to keep the head elevated for at least 24 hours. You may expect some swelling and bruising around the eyes, which should go away within three days. However, it can linger for up to two weeks.

Besides, you should expect some nose swelling that will dissipate during the following six months after surgery. Once the nose will be healed completely, you’ll be able to see its real shape. Strenuous activities should be avoided for 3 to 6 weeks following surgery. You can resume your social activities in about 2-3 weeks after the surgery if there are no complications.