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Ways to Keep a Healthy Sex Life With Uterine Fibroids

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21st Feb 2022

Uterine fibroids affect the majority of women at some point in their life. Many people will never feel any discomfort or symptoms as a result of these non-cancerous growths that develop from uterine muscle tissue. But you're not alone if uterine fibroids are making your sex life difficult. Fibroids come in a variety of shapes and sizes, therefore some are more painful than others, especially during sex. 

Understand Pain Causes

Fibroids cause the uterus to become bulky, which causes pain. Uterine fibroids can cause the uterus to migrate into a more retroverted position, and the jostling caused by deep thrusting during intercourse can cause pain. Women with UF may experience discomfort as a result of uterine contractions during orgasm. It can also reduce desire if you know something is going to be painful.

Communication Is Essential

The first step toward more relaxed sex? Excellent communication. Bring your companion to your next doctor's appointment to begin. Many patients come in on their own, but it's critical that your partner is informed. Your partner can make a tremendous difference even if it's just positioning correctly during intercourse. Open conversation will let everyone recognize that no one is to blame for the pain, and it will motivate couples to find more comfortable postures.

Nail the Timing

Fibroids can also make a woman's menstrual flow particularly heavy, which might make her feel self-conscious about intimacy. If you're having long, heavy periods and avoiding sex as a result, the amount of time you feel comfortable having sex each month is limited. If you use birth control pills or an IUD, the bleeding should stop. Limit periods to four times per year and use birth control pills for three months with one week of placebo.

Find a Better Position

If one position is unpleasant, try another (thank you, Kama Sutra). If you have a grapefruit-sized fibroid on top of your uterus pressing on your bladder, for example, the usual missionary position with the woman on the bottom may be painful. It's frequently preferable to have the spouse with fibroids on top since they can control the tempo and pace.

Clean Up Your Diet

Too much body fat raises estrogen levels, making fibroids more likely to form. Constipation can aggravate UF because there's only so much space in the uterus, so it's a recipe for agony if you have uterine fibroids. Discomfort can be transferred to sex in both circumstances. What's your prescription? A plant-based diet, as well as plenty of water, extending your hip flexor muscles, and supporting your legs up on a stool while using the bathroom, can all assist.

Get Creative

Women with uterine fibroids can have sex with the help of a few simple instruments. To begin, apply lubrication. If you're nervous about sex or expecting pain, your body won't produce lubrication, so try a basic silicone-based lubricant (or water-based if you're using sex toys or having sex in the shower or tub). Another helpful hint? A pelvic wand can help relieve muscle tension and pain. Another approach is to use a penile buffer, which the male partner can wear on his penis to reduce the depth of thrusting.

Seek Treatment

Don't give up if changing your position or trying various tactics doesn't help you feel better. Medications and surgeries can decrease fibroids, or a hysterectomy can be performed to completely remove the uterus. While uterine fibroids are normally treated with surgery as a last choice, it does mean you'll be able to return to a more comfortable sex life—or just life! If it's disrupting sex, it's most likely disrupting other things as well. Consult your doctor about the various treatment options for fibroids.