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5 Incredible Benefits of Replacing Your Missing Teeth With Dental Implants

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14th Mar 2022

If you have one or a couple of missing teeth, you're probably searching for the most appropriate way of replacing them. Dental implants, in comparison to dental bridges and dentures, are the most ideal dental restoration method for a variety of reasons.

If you're thinking about getting dental implants and want to know how they compare to other options, keep reading to find out how dental implants can enhance your dental health.

1. Enhanced comfort and functionality

Dental implants are intended to be a long-term option for people who are suffering from tooth loss. Since the replacement tooth is bonded into your jawbone with a titanium root, it will look and act exactly like your natural one once it is implanted. This method gives the implant the essential solidity, ensuring that it will last for a very long time. Because a dental implant cannot be moved or shifted, it will provide enhanced comfort and improved function. There's no reason for you to worry about your restored teeth slipping or shifting while eating, speaking, or smiling if you choose this treatment option.

Dentures, on the other hand, are designed to be worn over your gums and must be removed or replaced on a regular basis. The majority of dentures will move in your mouth, irritate your gum line, and harm the protective level of your teeth, even with the perfect fit and adhesives.

2. Simple maintenance

Since dental implants are attached to your jawbone and are not removable, they are treated similarly to natural teeth. Simply clean your teeth with a toothbrush and dental floss on a regular basis, then rinse your mouth to remove dental plaque and food debris caught between your teeth. You will not be forced to learn new cleaning techniques or adjust your dental regimen in any way. Hence, you will be able to maintain your dental hygiene without any problem.

3. Bone loss prevention

If one of your teeth is knocked out or extracted, the socket is left empty and the jawbone starts to lack proper stimulation. The bone under a missing tooth will begin to lose density and volume if it does not receive sufficient stimulation. This can cause a variety of issues, such as face collapse, trouble eating, greater risk of breakage, and tooth displacement. Zirconia dental implants, which replace the roots of lost teeth and stimulate correct bone formation, are an excellent approach to protect your jawbone from degrading.

4. Lower risk of dental problems

When you lose one or more of your teeth, the remaining ones become more susceptible to decay. The empty spaces in your mouth provide a better access point for a wide range of bacteria to enter your gums. This can lead to gingivitis and inflammation. Placing a dental implant, which covers the empty space and promotes regular cleaning, is a terrific option to prevent these complications.

Bridges and dentures, for example, tend to produce more difficult-to-reach regions where bacteria can thrive. Dentures can also cause irritation and harm your oral tissues, providing an ideal environment for infection and germs to develop.

5. Boosted self-confidence 

Your dental health and self-esteem are intimately connected. When a person feels healthy and confident in their appearance, they are more likely to prioritize self-care. For tooth loss patients, dental implants provide a more comfortable and visually acceptable look. This is usually a huge relief for people who are concerned about their teeth. Hence, many patients who are given a second shot at a beautiful and perfect smile make appropriate dental care a priority.

The bottom line

Prevent tooth loss from causing serious dental problems or altering your facial structure. To find out if you're a suitable candidate for dental implants, consult an experienced and reputable dentist.