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7 Common Causes of Abnormal Vaginal Discharge That Every Woman Should Know About

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24th Mar 2022

Every woman has a different amount of vaginal discharge throughout their menstrual cycle. In most cases, vaginal discharge can become more abundant and sticky during ovulation. For example, one woman may even not notice any difference in discharge before and during ovulation, while another woman may be able to clearly recognize the time when she is ovulating. 

However, if your vaginal discharge has completely changed its color, smell, amount, or texture, it can be a sign of a certain disorder. Here is a list of seven common causes of abnormal vaginal discharge that every woman should know about.

1. Retained tampon

Many women tend to use tampons during periods. Since most tampons are quite comfortable, some women may simply forget to remove them. In some cases, a tampon can be pushed forward into the vagina during sex. Over time, a retained tampon can cause abnormal vaginal discharge with an unpleasant smell. You can try to remove the tampon on your own or ask your gynecologist for help.

2. Yeast infection

Yeast infection is a condition in which the number of Candida fungi overgrows significantly, leading to the development of unpleasant symptoms. The most common of them are severe itching, thick white discharge, vaginal swelling, burning sensation during urination, and pain during sex. Fortunately, yeast infection is not dangerous and can be easily managed with the help of antifungal medications.

3. Bacterial vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis is a condition that occurs when the number of bad bacteria in your vagina increases. This occurs because of a lack of lactobacilli, the bacteria that regulate the number of bad bacteria. Bacterial vaginosis can cause gray vaginal discharge with an unpleasant "fishy" smell, vaginal itching, and burning sensation during urination. In most cases, bacterial vaginosis can be easily treated with the help of antibiotics.

4. STIs

There are a lot of sexually transmitted infections that can affect the female reproductive system. Some STIs like chlamydia, gonorrhea, and trichomoniasis can lead to abnormal vaginal discharge with an unpleasant smell. Since STIs can cause severe complications like miscarriage, infertility, and pelvic inflammatory disease, it is essential to get timely and efficient treatment. 

5. Pelvic inflammatory disease

As mentioned above, some untreated STIs can lead to the development of pelvic inflammatory disease, a condition in which the pelvic organs become infected and inflamed. However, untreated bacterial vaginosis can also cause this condition. Women with pelvic inflammatory disease can experience fever, severe pelvic pain, abnormal vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor, spotting, and infertility. In the initial stages, pelvic inflammatory disease can be managed with the help of antibiotics. But scars and adhesions that can develop over time can't be cured.

6. Cervicitis

Cervicitis is an inflammation of the cervix, the lower part of the uterus. This condition can occur as a result of an infection, allergic reaction, or irritation. Cervicitis can develop asymptomatically or manifest through abnormal vaginal discharge, spotting, pain during sex, and painful urination. Treatment options for cervicitis depend on the cause of the condition. For example, if it occurs because of an allergy, you may need to take antihistamine medications.

7. Cervical cancer

Cervical cancer occurs when the cells of the cervix change and form a tumor. Unfortunately, this condition usually develops asymptomatically until the later stages. That's why it is essential to undergo regular screenings and tests. Symptoms of cervical cancer can include abnormal vaginal discharge, spotting, and pain during sex. Cervical cancer can be treated with the help of chemotherapy, radiation therapy, targeted drug therapy, immunotherapy, and surgery. It is essential to understand that the earlier you start the treatment, the more effective it will be.