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10 Healthy Hair Loss Prevention Tips You Need to Know

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23rd May 2022

Millions of men all around the world suffer from hair loss. Almost one-third of the population is affected. Every individual loses roughly one hundred hair strands each day.

This is a fairly typical problem, so don't be alarmed if a few hairs fall out. Hair loss can be caused by a variety of factors. Poor nutrition, mineral deficiencies, medication, anxiety, and pollution are all on the list. This issue can also be inherited. If you routinely wear hats or ride your bike while wearing a helmet, you may experience hair loss.

Continue reading to discover the ten simple tips on how to manage and restore your receding hair.

1. Use mild shampoo
Washing your hair on a regular basis can help avoid hair loss and maintain your hair and scalp clean. This reduces the danger of infections and dandruff, both of which can harm your hair. Furthermore, clean and fresh hair is far more voluptuous.

2. Try vitamin supplements 
Vitamins are important for good health and can also benefit your hair. Vitamins aid in the production of sebum, which is beneficial to the scalp. Vitamin E promotes blood circulation in the scalp, which helps straighten hair follicles. And vitamin B improves your hair's color, making it look healthier.

3. Consume more proteins
Lean meats, fish, soy, and other high-protein foods are good for your hair and can help mitigate the risks of hair loss.

4. Consider essential oil massage
If you've had this issue for a long period, consider a head massage with essential oils. It can help your hair follicles stay in shape. Mix lavender oil with almond or sesame oil and gently rub it into your scalp.

5. Avoid brushing wet hair
When your hair is moist, it becomes fragile. Brushing wet hair can increase your chances of losing hair. If you're in a rush and can't wait for your hair to dry, use a wide-toothed comb. Brushing your hair too frequently might damage it and trigger hair loss. Instead of a comb or brush, try using your fingers.

6. Make an appointment with a specialist
Many skin conditions can lead to hormonal imbalances and hair loss. If you're diagnosed with any underlying disorders or conditions, see your doctor on a regular basis. Contact a specialist for a comprehensive evaluation and effective hair restoration options that are right for you and your way of life.

7. Check your medication 
Some medications might cause adverse effects, including hair loss. If you are taking medicine, check with your doctor to determine if it has any unfavorable side effects. If this is the case, request alternative, less dangerous drugs.

8. Consider other hairstyles (if you wear long hair)
If you have thinning hair and are wearing tight hairstyles, lighten it up a little. Ponytails, braids, and other tight hairstyles with continual hair pull can actually harm your hair follicles, ultimately resulting in permanent hair loss.

9. Tackle excessive sweating  
If your hair is constantly sweaty and oily in the hot sun, you are in danger of developing dandruff and a high risk of serious hair loss. Shampoos with aloe vera or neem oil might help prevent dandruff and keep your scalp dry. During the hot weather, avoid wearing helmets or other headgear. Headgear collects sweat in your hair, which enters your skin pores and harms your hair follicles. During the summer, try wearing bandanas or headbands.

10. Be cautious with a blow dryer 
If properly done, it will not hurt your hair. Applying heat to already dry hair is not a good idea. It can cause breaking, dullness, and drying. Constant over-drying can harm your hair and cause hair loss. It is best to leave your hair wet or almost dry.

The bottom line
Many people suffer from hair loss. In fact, heredity and age may be the primary causes. However, it is critical to identify the root cause of the problem and start treating it with the help of a professional.