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5 Reasons You Should Consider Braces

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19th Oct 2022

Over 4 million Americans choose to have their teeth fixed because they are dissatisfied with the appearance of their smiles. And orthodontic treatments such as braces can be used for a variety of reasons, from treating crowded teeth to closing the gaps in your smile. However, making the decision to see an orthodontist might be tough for some people.

Your dental anxiety or just simply the lack of understanding of your dental problem should not prevent you from receiving the necessary care. Here are some of the most significant reasons you should consider getting braces:

1. Overbite
The majority of people do not explore the medical reasons for wearing braces. They mostly get them in order to have a better-looking smile in the future. Bite problems are some of the common conditions treated with braces.

When you have an overbite, the upper half of your teeth protrude out further than the lower set. Each person has a unique protrusion, varying in intensity. The likelihood that you will have dental problems increases with the distance between the upper and lower teeth.

In addition to eating difficulties, there is a higher risk of gum disease and front tooth damage. Also possible is lower lip bleeding, which frequently affects children.

2. Underbite
The problem with underbites is the opposite of the problem with overbites. The underbite is characterized by your lower teeth crossing and overlapping your upper ones when your jaw is closed. It can also be noticeable when smiling.

In moderate cases, it may go unnoticed. When it is severe, though, it may take on a bulldog-like appearance. It has the potential to grow into something more serious and cause issues later on.

Underbites make chewing food uncomfortable and can lead to a variety of eating issues. Furthermore, you have an increased likelihood of sustaining a dental injury when talking. Many of those with an underbite suffer from facial pain as a result of their teeth being misaligned.

3. Open bite
A specific sort of dental problem is an open bite. Those who have this condition have an open gap at the front or sides of their teeth when their jaws are closed. When they smile, there could be a visible space between the top and bottom of their teeth.

It can be difficult to eat or speak when you have an open bite. Some individuals may say to have developed the humiliating habit of sticking out their tongue. It's one of the causes of temporomandibular joint disease in the future (TMJ). Jaw pain might result from this over time.

4. Overcrowding 
A different type of problem is having too many teeth. There will be minimal to no place for teeth in someone with this. The teeth can push inward or outward and overlap one another.

Your teeth may grow crooked due to lack of space in your mouth, which might make you feel insecure when smiling eating, or even speaking in public. Food debris can get caught in between your crooked teeth and make flossing uncomfortable and difficult, resulting in bad breath as a result. Additionally, having little space can make you more likely to develop gum disease and tooth decay.

5. Gapped teeth 
There can occasionally be too much space between your teeth. You may end up feeling anxious about smiling as a result. One of the main problems Damon clear braces are used to treat is those types of gaps. 

Wide spacing might give the impression that the teeth are either larger or smaller than they would be if they were straight. Other times, the gap may be so large that it may seem as though you've lost one of your teeth.

People frequently grind their teeth unconsciously due to these gaps. Gaps may be uneven or singular, like the space between the two front teeth. The gap pockets might become jammed with food debris. Later on, your gums might feel tender and sore. Gum disease is a possibility if this occurs frequently.