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10 Medical Conditions Associated With Poor Dental Health

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21st Dec 2022

Why should oral hygiene be a concern for you? Well, to start with, tooth decay and cavities can be caused by inadequate dental hygiene. Dental plaque can accumulate on your dental enamel if it is not routinely removed, triggering bacteria, deterioration, and cavities. The pain and discomfort caused by improper dental health can be reduced by maintaining appropriate dental hygiene. The way you care for your teeth and gums can also affect your overall health, which further emphasizes the need of maintaining good dental hygiene. Dangerous oral bacteria can spread throughout your body and result in a variety of health issues, including:

1. Gum disease
Failure to brush your teeth can lead to the development of gum disease. When plaque accumulates along and behind the gum line, infections take place. With time, a mild form of gum disease called gingivitis can progress to much more dangerous periodontitis, which can result in tooth loss and bone loss. 

2. Cardiovascular disease and stroke 
The risk of cardiovascular disease and artery constriction is higher in those with periodontal disease because bacteria and plaque can enter the bloodstream through the gums.

Bacteria and plaque that harden and obstruct arteries can cause blood flow issues and heart blocks (atherosclerosis). If an excess of oral bacteria blocks the carotid artery, your risk of suffering a stroke can greatly increase.

3. Respiratory illnesses 
Your respiratory system can get compromised when bacteria and plaque from periodontal disease enter the circulation through the gums and travel to your lungs. Infections, bronchitis, pneumonia, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease can all be caused by bacteria in the lungs.

4. Diabetes 
Diabetes patients are more likely to develop infections and experience periodontal disease. Diabetes symptoms can also result from periodontal disease because it makes it harder to manage blood sugar levels.

5. Dementia
According to specialists, gingivitis and periodontitis can cause dementia and Alzheimer's disease. The migration of oral bacteria into the bloodstream or nerve pathways can cause the death of brain cells, which in turn causes cognitive impairment.

6. Pregnancy complications
Due to hormonal fluctuations brought on by pregnancy, expectant mothers are more prone to developing mouth infections. Any illness in the body might cause difficulties during pregnancy.

Premature delivery and low birth weight are associated with gum disease. To prevent significant health complications for both mom and baby, it's crucial to maintain proper oral hygiene throughout pregnancy.

7. Cancer 
You are undoubtedly well aware of the risks to your dental health connected with smoking or using other tobacco products. However, in addition to mouth and throat cancers, there are additional cancers associated with gum disease. An increased risk of blood cancer, kidney cancer, and pancreatic cancer can all result from poor dental health.

You are undoubtedly well aware of the risks to your dental health linked to smoking or using other tobacco products. However, in addition to oral and throat cancers that can be caused by substances found in tobacco, there are additional cancers associated with gum disease. An increased risk of blood cancer, kidney cancer, and pancreatic cancer can all result from poor dental health.

8. Renal disease 
Gum disease patients frequently have weakened immune systems and are more vulnerable to infection. An infection may result in kidney damage. Chronic renal disease is a serious illness that can be fatal if it results in kidney failure or heart disease. It affects many different parts of the body.

9. Arthritis
The bacteria that cause oral infections can worsen the body's inflammatory response, which increases your chance of developing rheumatoid arthritis.

10. Infertility 
Gum disease is associated with a number of health problems, many of which might make it difficult for a woman to get pregnant and keep her pregnancy healthy.