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8 Dental Problems That Can Be Addressed With Veneers

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9th Mar 2023

Dental veneers are incredibly thin porcelain shells attached directly to the front of your teeth. They may therefore fix a variety of flaws in your smile, usually more successfully than other options like tooth whitening or crowns.

Nothing can truly revitalize your smile like veneers. No matter how your teeth look currently, they can be overhauled into a perfect smile. Read on to learn about the many advantages dental veneers may offer.

1. Effective and long-lasting whitening 

Turn your attention to veneers if you've done teeth whitening in the past but weren't satisfied with the results. When the dentin inside of your teeth naturally has a darker color, it occasionally doesn't respond well—if at all—to whitening.

You may go even whiter than what teeth whitening can achieve since your dentist can create the porcelain shells in any shade possible. As a result, dental veneers may be as white as you want them to be, unlike teeth whitening, which is often only capable of going up to a particular number of shades.

2. Fix what orthodontics can’t 

Both conventional braces and Invisalign® can straighten your teeth to a certain level. They still have certain limitations, though. Braces might not be a viable option if your teeth are spread too widely apart. Too-widely spaced teeth are just one of the many flaws in your smile that veneers can help hide.

3. Conceal damaged teeth 

You might believe that all you can do if your teeth are damaged or misaligned is get used to living with them, but veneers can change that. Your tooth's compromised areas can be hidden with veneers, and if your teeth are unevenly spaced, veneers can straighten them up.

4. Repair cracked teeth 

You might not be aware that fractured teeth can be easily repaired. If your teeth have minor chips or cracks, you don't even need to consider undergoing root canals and replacing them with implants. The holes and cracks in your teeth can be hidden with veneers, which also give your teeth a smooth, even appearance and protecting them from additional decay and damage.

5. Enhance the appearance of worn and dull teeth 

You may appear older than you actually are if you have worn or stained teeth. Most of those getting veneer are shocked by how much younger the procedure makes them look. 

6. Address misalignment 

Misshapen teeth can have a significant effect on a variety of things. For example, your bite can be out of alignment, and your teeth won't seem evenly spaced. Also, having an improper bite might result in other issues, including jaw pain and recurrent migraines. Veneers can balance out your teeth's shape, which frequently also fixes issues with bite misalignment.

7. Straighten compromised enamel 

The protective coating of your teeth is called enamel. A lot of meals and beverages are quite acidic, which can erode the enamel on your teeth. Your teeth may become significantly more sensitive as a result, particularly to hot or cold beverages. Unfortunately, once gone, enamel cannot be restored. But, you may hide the chipped enamel and fix tooth sensitivity by covering your teeth with veneers. 

8. Make short teeth longer 

Your teeth greatly influence your entire face symmetry. Therefore, it can seriously undermine your look if you have one or more teeth that are short or malformed. Veneers are a great way to adjust your teeth' size, shape, and symmetry since they may be custom-shaped. 

The bottom line 

Consultation is the first step in getting veneers. During this one-on-one time with your dentist, you can discuss your esthetic goals and bring attention to any dental issues you hope to fix with veneers. Keep in mind that delaying your treatment may lead to future, more severe problems.