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27th Feb 2024

Important Facts About Back Surgery Success Rates

Back pain is a common and debilitating problem among many Americans, and it can result in more doctor visits, missed work, lost pay, and higher medical costs. If you have back pain, low back pain, sciatica, or leg pain, you should get help. If your back pain is so severe that it interferes with your everyday life, you may be willing to contemplate back surgery. However, back surgery isn't always the best option for everyone.

Before making any decisions, evaluate the success percentages of spine surgery.

Common Back Pain Treatments

The spine and spinal cord are essential for how we move, engage, and function in everyday life. The spine is a complicated structure that connects your body to the central nervous system. Despite its fragility, it can withstand quite a hammering.

If you are experiencing back discomfort, it is natural to want to find a solution as soon as possible. Here are the most popular treatments for back pain:

  • Non-invasive back pain treatment

Depending on the degree of your back pain, you may want to try non-surgical pain therapies such as chiropractic care, physical therapy, alternative medications, massages, acupuncture, and more. However, before beginning any new activities or cures, you should always consult with your doctor to rule out serious back discomfort;

  • Spinal procedures

There are a variety of spinal surgeries that may alleviate your back discomfort. This comprises spinal decompression, fusion, and discectomy. However, these surgeries will only be advised if necessary, therefore they are not applicable to all cases of back discomfort;

  • Minimally invasive spine surgery (MISS) 

MISS is another treatment option for severe, chronic back pain.

The Facts About Back Surgery Success Rates

If you've been advised to have surgery, you're probably skeptical or aware of some of the hazards associated with spine surgery. Spine surgery is a complicated and hazardous treatment. It takes an expert spine surgeon to execute the procedure with minimal difficulties.

What percentage of back surgeries are successful?

Spine surgery success rates range from 60 to 80%. This isn't horrible, but the failure rates are the issue.

In addition to surgeon quality, surgery type, and other considerations, your health can influence your back pain recovery and success rate. These health issues can have a detrimental impact on your spine surgery recovery:

  • Smoking;
  • Obesity;
  • Age;
  • Blood pressure concerns;
  • Pre-existing depression;
  • Pre-existing poor mental health.

What percentage of back surgeries fail?

When a patient's surgical methods are inefficient, they are more likely to have a failed back surgery. Back surgery failure is so widespread that it has its own medical term: Failed Back Surgery Syndrome (FBSS). FBSS is defined as a patient's prolonged pain following a procedure intended to relieve chronic pain; this can impact the neck, back, or legs.

The unpleasant reality of back surgery is that when it fails, it fails horribly. Risking your life for a single surgery is awful enough; if surgery can be avoided, that is the greatest option.

Fortunately, many lower back pains can be treated without surgery, saving you time, money, and potentially your life.

Why do so many back surgeries fail?

Several variables can lead to a negative outcome for people undergoing back surgery, including:

  • The surgeon did an improper procedure on the patient;
  • The surgeon utilized the incorrect surgical instrument throughout the procedure;
  • The patient's blood pressure decreased during or after the surgery.

Some back surgery approaches are more effective than others. Different people react differently to the procedure, so a surgery that works for someone else may not be the ideal option for you.

Do Doctors Recommend Back Surgery?

The answer is absolutely yes. Doctors prescribe back surgeries such as spinal fusion, laser spine surgery, and spinal cord stimulation. These treatments are most commonly used for severe spinal injuries such as a herniated disc, a sports injury, or a spinal deformity.

If you have a less serious problem, such as lower back pain, spinal stenosis, spinal instability, or nerve pain, your doctor may recommend that you seek alternative pain treatment alternatives.