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7 Effective and Risk-free Home Remedies for Abortion

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11th Feb 2019

Not many people know that there are natural ways to terminate pregnancy. It’s true, there are certain home remedies for abortion that work to terminate early pregnancy. Let’s look at 7 tips that can help for those that decide it’s not yet time for them to conceive.


  1. Rigorous Gym Workouts:


If you suspect you are pregnant and want the abortion process done naturally, start working out rigorously. Running long distances, climbing the stairs several times a day will help you get rid of the unwanted pregnancy. It’s best to join a gym and start working out.


  1. Pineapple Juice:


Pineapple juice can help because it has Vitamin C and Protease enzyme called bromelain. The combo of the two will help to increase the chance of miscarriages in the early stages. Bromelain is capable of softening the cervix and will eventually lead to a miscarriage.


  1. Sesame Seeds With Honey:


One of the best and safest home remedies for abortion are sesame seeds. You can either soak the seeds overnight and eat the extract in the morning or take a teaspoonful of fried seeds with a teaspoonful of honey.


  1. Parsley Water With Lemon:


Parsley is also great for causing abortion in the first stages since it is known to induce contractions. This herb is one of the main regulator of your menstrual cycles. Drink parsley water mixed with lemon juice several times a day if you have been missing your period.


  1. Aspirin Tablets:


Aspiring pills are usually used as an analgesic, but they can also be used to start the menstrual cycle. If you have been missing your period and think you might be pregnant, then take 4-10 Aspirin tablets with water. Combine Aspirin with the previous tips to get the best results.


  1. Take a High Dose of Vitamin C:


Vitamin C can increase the production of estrogen and progesterone. Estrogen is a hormone that aids menstruation, therefore a high dose of Vitamin C can create a hormonal imbalance in your body, leading to an early abortion.


  1. Visit an Abortion Clinic:


Although there are many home remedies to help induce an early abortion, the safest and most guaranteed method is to visit an abortion clinic. If you live in the Brooklyn area, we recommend Brooklyn Abortion Clinic.