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3 Causes of Bad Breath and How to Fight It

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22nd Feb 2019

Bad breath, also called halitosis, may be caused by minor and even serious reasons related to your health. In the last case, you’re recommended to consult with a doctor for further diagnosis. On the other hand, if you’re sure your health is in a good condition, you have a chance to determine the cause of your bad breath.

Bacterias in the Mouth

Various studies show that the most common reason for bad breath is bacteria on teeth, gums, and tongue. This is due to poor oral hygiene, which causes dry mouth - an ideal place for multiplication of bacteria. This explains why most people have bad breath in the morning.

Alcohol, Smoking, and Diets

Often halitosis is provoked by bad habits, such as smoking or excessive consumption of alcohol. It’s known that alcohol causes dehydration, and smoking not only provokes dry mouth but can also increase the number of compounds in our organism, that lead to bad breath. Nutritionists add that low-carb diets and the habit of skipping meals can also cause bad breath.


Don’t forget, that some products, such as garlic, onion, spices, cabbage, and radish provoke bad breath.

Illness and Medications    

As dentists say, strong bad breath can be the symptom of lung disease. Besides, bad breath can be caused by diabetes, respiratory infections, inflammation of tonsils, and some other diseases. In addition, in some cases, the side effects of treatments can be related to bad breath.

How to Get Rid of Bad Breath?

Speaking about how to get rid of bad breath it’s important to note that in the case of illness you should consult with a doctor first. If the situation is less serious, you may use these tips for getting rid bad breath:

Hygiene Practices

Clean your teeth with a medium toothbrush twice a day and don’t forget to clean your tongue with the other side of your toothbrush. Try to use mouthwash after every meal. This is particularly important for those who are at a higher risk of bad breath (For example, people with braces or with dentures).


Remember, you should see your dentist twice a year and change your toothbrush after every illness.

Drink More Water

When having bad breath, the more water you drink, the better for you. We are talking about clean sparkling water and not sugary soda which can damage your enamel. Fruit and vegetables which contain lots of water, such as apples, cucumbers, celery, and carrots, will be a useful addition to you overcoming bad breath. They can serve as an alternative to brushing your teeth, removing food between your teeth.  

And what about chewing gum? It’s another good way to wet your mouth. Saliva, which is produced while chewing gum, decreases bad breath.

Home Remedies

If you want to remove bad breath, you may chew fresh mint leaves or parsley. Parsley contains chlorophyll, which prevents sulfur compounds, that lead to bad breath. A cup of warm water with a tablespoon of baking soda and some drops of peppermint oil also works well.