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What to Expect from Your First Pelvic Exam After Labor

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26th Feb 2019

Labor is a great stress for the woman’s body. It will never be the same after giving birth. Not only does this process brings many changes to her life and appearance, but it can also be very traumatic. This is why the intimate health of novice mother is a matter of top importance that needs to be controlled and cared for.

Of course, the doctors supervise a woman while she’s still in the hospital with her newborn. But as soon as she comes back home, her health is her own responsibility. Treating it neglectfully is inappropriate and dangerous. No matter how busy you may be with the baby and the house, you should find some time to visit your gyno.

When You Should Visit Your Gyno After the Labor

If everything seems to be alright and nothing bothers you, you should make an appointment for a prophylaxis pelvic exam in 1 - 1.5 months after giving birth. If something bothers you, seems abnormal or you have any doubts or suspicions - do it immediately.

Why visit a doctor if everything seems to be good? Very often, labor brings injuries and complications. They may not show any symptoms but can be dangerous for your health. Only your doctor can properly diagnose them and appoint the proper treatment. This is why this visit is necessary.

What to Expect

One of the most common causes why women delay their first pelvic exam after labor is their fresh memory about labor pain. They think that the procedure of a pelvic exam will be painful too. However, these expectations are not reasonable, because vaginal mucosa heals in a month and the exam will be as painless as they were before you gave birth.

The doctor will examine your vaginal and uterine walls and check if they returned back to their normal shapes after the pregnancy and labor. Also, a Pap smear test will help show information about any possible inflammation.

What to Ask Your Doctor

There is a list of questions that can be important to ask your doctor on your first pelvic exam after labor. The answers will help you maintain a better lifestyle and solve the problems if there are any. Don’t be shy to ask. The most often asked questions are listed below.

  1. How to treat postpartum hemorrhoids?
  2. What is a better birth control option for a breastfeeding mother?
  3. When to plan the next pregnancy?
  4. How to manage your physical exercises after labor? What sports to choose?
  5. What other specialists to visit?

You can add to this list any other questions you may have. There is no need to be afraid of the visit to gyno after labor. It will help you better manage your health, discover and treat any existing problems or make sure everything is alright. Don’t be afraid of it - you won’t feel any discomfort but the benefits for your health will be numerous.