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8 Signs That You Don’t Drink Enough Water

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8th May 2019

Do you get headaches and feel hungry all the time? Most likely you suffer from dehydration. Let’s talk about eight unobvious signs that you don’t drink enough water.

You Want to Drink All the Time

It is not hard to guess that if you often want to drink, then you don’t drink enough water. But the problem may be more serious than it seems at first glance. Doctors say that a dry mouth is the first sign of dehydration. The sign of this statement can also be a rare urge of needing to use the toilet. According to statistics, a healthy person goes to the toilet 4 to 10 times a day.


If it seems to you that you are dehydrated, try to drink at least 6 cups of water per day. Don’t forget about it, put a reminder on your phone.

You Often Suffer from a Headache

Migraines and headaches can bother you due to a lack of water. Dehydration leads to thickening of the blood and slows down its circulation, which in turn reduces the supply of oxygen to the brain. However, headaches are not the worst consequence of dehydration. Long-term dehydration can cause fainting and hallucinations, so we recommend drinking a glass of water right now!

You Have Bad Breath

According to the dentist and bacteriologist Harold Katz, dehydration can also cause bad breath. “If you don’t drink enough water, the production of saliva slows down and it causes a faster production of bad bacteria in the mouth,” - says Katz. “I advise you to drink several glasses of water between meals - this way you will wash off the leftover food and keep the right amount of saliva in your mouth.”

You Always Want to Eat

Sometimes we confuse the body's signal for a lack of water with a feeling of hunger. If you usually drink during a meal, the conditioned reflex may induce you to eat. Therefore, before you have a snack, drink a glass of water - quite possibly, after that you will not feel hunger.

It's Hard for You to Concentrate

Are you puzzling over simple tasks and lingering at work because you don’t have time for anything? It is possible that you have dehydration. As we already wrote, the lack of water can reduce the blood flow to the brain, and it will not get enough oxygen and nutrients. Try to drink a glass of water every hour and a half and you will avoid stress and exhaustion.

Your Daily Energy Is Always Low

Lack of water can also cause fatigue and drowsiness. If you constantly do not get enough sleep, then, most likely, you don’t drink enough water. Convulsions during workouts can also be a cause for concern. If the muscles do not get enough oxygenated blood, they involuntarily contract.

You Often Suffer from Constipation

If you drink a little water, you may have problems with digestion. Water not only delivers oxygen to the brain but also lubricates the intestines. Your body is not in a position to properly absorb food without a sufficient amount of fluid, and it can lead to constipation and, in the worst case, to stones in the kidneys, hemorrhoids and gall bladder.

You Periodically Get Chilly

The body in the case of dehydration restricts blood flow to the skin. That is why the lack of moisture is often signaled by a feeling of chills. This can also include dry skin, as well as cold to the touch skin, even in warm weather.