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4 Foot and Leg Problems You May Face During Pregnancy

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11th Dec 2019

Weight gain, hormonal changes, and other factors affect both legs and feet. Despite the fact that some medication and treatment methods can be prohibited during pregnancy, there are some ways to cope with these problems. Tacking into account the difference between women’s needs and conditions, it is recommended to consult your doctor when you want to try some new treatment method. Here is the list of four foot and leg issues you may face during pregnancy. 

1. Varicose veins

Varicose veins are the condition when veins increase in size and rise above the skin surface. They usually have a look of purple twisted cords. An increase in blood volume and pregnancy hormones can lead to changes in the blood vessels and cause varicose veins. 

Varicose vein treatment is not very diverse during pregnancy. But you still may take some preventive measures. It is recommended to walk a lot because it helps maintain blood flow to the muscles that help return blood to the heart. If you are driving for a long time, make short stops and stretch your legs. It will help you avoid blood clots. You should also try not to cross your legs because this position adds pressure on blood vessels.

2. Leg swelling

Swelling in the legs is a quite common condition during pregnancy. This usually happens due to an increased blood volume which helps transfer oxygen and nutrients to the baby. Hormonal changes can also affect blood vessels and lead to swelling. The increase in foot size caused by swelling is common and temporary. But if you notice swelling on the face, around the eyes, or if the swelling has occurred very abruptly, you should consult a doctor immediately because it could be signs of preeclampsia.

You may decrease or avoid swelling with the help of compression stockings. It is better to choose thigh-high stockings so that excess fluid will not accumulate around your knees. Walking is also very beneficial because it makes your muscles work and they pump excess fluid out of your legs. 

If your legs are constantly swollen, it is better to buy a bigger pair of shoes to feel more comfortable. It is also recommended to drink plain water and avoid salty foods. You may take a bath if it is possible. Water has an external influence on swelling and helps reduce it. 

3. Leg cramps 

Pregnant women are usually prone to leg cramps but their cause is still not completely clear. They may occur because of muscle tiredness, changes in calcium concentration or extra pressure from the growing belly on nerves and blood vessels. Leg cramps usually appear at night but sometimes they may occur during a day.

If you feel cramping in the legs, you can try to massage and stretch your legs. A warm bath can relax your muscles and weaken the cramps. Walking and light exercise are also very beneficial for your legs. You may ask your doctor about taking magnesium, vitamin B, or calcium supplements.

4. Toenail changes

You may notice that your toenails begin to grow much faster during pregnancy. It happens because of hormonal changes and increased blood volume. Since you are providing nutrients for your child, the toenail cells can be deprived of nutrients. This can lead to nail changes such as brittleness, indentations that pass through the nail, dark or discolored lines (melanonychia) on the nail. Most of these nail changes usually disappear after pregnancy.

You may try to take prenatal vitamins to improve the condition of your nails and hair. Healthy food is very beneficial for both you and your baby. One more problem you can get during pregnancy is ingrown toenails. In order to avoid it, you shouldn’t wear tight socks or shoes and trim your toenails too short.