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Things you should never ever flush down the toilet

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26th Dec 2019

To prevent this inconvenience it is good to know what items you can and cannot flush down the toilet. Here is a list of things you should never flush down the toilet in order never to have toilet issues.

Sanitary napkins and tampons

Sanitary napkins and tampons are made of cotton and that’s why they don’t easily dissolve in water. Cotton can tear up easily and if your plumbing system has cracks or root infiltration, the cotton can easily get caught and after a few flushes you can easily end up with a clog. If the clog happens in the pipeline from your house to the main city line this can get very expensive to fix. 

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So from now on don’t throw sanitary napkins and tampons in the toilet because they belong in the trash.

Oil and grease

People tend to forget that oil, fats, and grease are liquid when they are hot, but as soon as they cool down they turn solid. This can create clogs and in the near future, it will start to smell bad.

So don’t be lazy and put any food waste in a plastic bag and throw it in the trash.


We have all seen this dramatic act in movies many times. Someone takes a bottle of pills and flushes them down the toilet. In reality, this can create a lot of damage. Pills contain chemicals that can get into the groundwater and sewage system which is a big issue. So forget about the movies and use a local medicine take-back program to get rid of any pills that you don’t use anymore or expired medications


Believe it or not, hair is probably the number one culprit of clogging. It may seem delicate but in time hair can gather and create a plug in your piping that stops water from flowing. This is known to create a big issue and in order to clean blocked drains it is advised to contact a plumber.

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To avoid this you shouldn’t throw hair down the toilet when your done coaming. Also, acquire some hair stoppage products that are available on the market which will catch hair going down the plughole in your shower or bathtub.


This might seem strange but some people actually flush diapers down the toilet and it’s more common than you think. Diapers are made to absorb moisture and when you flush them down the toilet they expand causing them to get stuck in the pipes.

Also, some diapers contain plastic materials which when exposed to water become a toxic contaminant. Diapers are known to create clogs all the time and so if you want to avoid expensive clogs just throw them where they belong. In the trash.

Dental floss

Many of us have a bad habit that we are not aware of. It’s a common thing for us when we’re done flossing our teeth to throw the floss in the toilet because it’s nearby. Floss can easily get tangled up with the other debris in the sewer or can get caught on the cracks in your pipping which can lead to a clog. So put a little trash can somewhere near where you floss your teeth and dispose of the used floss the right way.

Dryer sheets

The best way for you is to not use them at all. But if you use them you should keep in mind some things. They can cause big problems in water treatment facilities and local watersheds because they are full of toxic materials and can also easily create clogs in your piping. So if you do use them don’t throw them into the toilet.


Cosmetics, when you put them on your skin really, aren’t toxic. But when you flush them down the toilet then it’s a whole different story. Makeup and moisturizers and beauty products will break down in the sewage system and will become toxic. This can be a danger to the water supply.


It is important to keep in mind that your toilet isn’t your trash can and if you pay attention, problems with your toilet and pipping can be avoided.