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30th Aug 2019

The 10 Most Inspirational Graphic Design Trends For 2019

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With 2018 long behind us, and 2019 running in full steam, we can finally talk about the most inspirational graphic design trends for the current year. We consider the timing for this kind of conversation to be perfect for multiple reasons. Not only did we have a chance to see how things are going to play out to a certain extent (and how these are going to continue to develop in regards to graphic design trends), but we’re actually noticing that we’re at a certain crossroads here. We’d arguably say that the following 10 graphic design trends are clear signs of things moving in a different direction from the previous years.

1. Art Deco Makes Its Comeback

Talking about the crossroads – one of the biggest design trends in 2019 is the use of Art Deco designs that were popular after the end of World War I. 1920s were highly ornamental and glamorous in design, and we can see this trend emerging and becoming increasingly popular in logo design, too. Our prediction is that we’re going to see more and more of these metallic branding designs not just in 2019, but also well beyond.

2. The ’50s and ’60s are Also Back In Town

And while we’re on the subject of retro, Art Deco isn’t the only trend that’s making a comeback. You might also be surprised to see and hear that the modern mid-century modern period of the ’50s and ’60s is becoming prominently visible again, as well. What we can conclude at the moment is that both post-war eras are becoming increasingly popular in 2019. 

3. 3D Design Is Already Huge

This one might not come as a surprise to anyone, but it’s totally worth mentioning high on our list. 3D design and typography have been in use for a couple of years now, but what’s interesting here is that some of the more complex designs are becoming conspicuous again.

4. You Can’t Go Wrong With Eclectic Design Trends

Another thing that is becoming increasingly popular today and is getting more and more room is the so-called ’eclectic shift’ that’s been quietly stirring in many designers’ heads across the globe. This eclectic shift is something which pushes the boundaries, and any top web design agency will tell you that their designers are more and more involved with the projects that stay away from the rigid, grid-based layouts. This means that features like freestyle doodles, stains of color, more organic textures are becoming more noticeable. This results in a certain ’asymmetrical’ approach, which creates the feeling of a raw, but a more natural movement.

5. Warm(er) Colors and Moody Color Palettes

Moody, vintage tones are popular these days and some would argue that they’re in need – to contrast the bold, neon colors that we’re going to talk about in a bit.

These warmer color and moody color palettes are especially broad in photos and videos that are trying to move away from the aforementioned bold colors.

6. Open Compositions Get the (Much-Deserved) Space

If you like design trends that are all about leaving something to the imagination, then open compositions are certainly something you’ll enjoy seeing in 2019.

But don’t mistake open compositions for randomness because a good open composition design is often carefully thought through.

7. Minimalism With the Mix of Bold Colors

If you were thinking that minimalism was outdated and oldfangled, we encourage you to think again.

While it’s probably not the first choice for many designers these days, it’s still very much present with the right mix of bold colors.

8. Vivid Colors and Gradients

While it’s true that simpler designs are still considered to be trendy, more and more people opt for vivid colors and gradients that enhance and accentuate the current design. And it doesn’t matter if it’s a poster or a logo – it seems as if you can’t go wrong with vivid colors and gradients these days.

9. Isometric Illustrations

When you say that you prefer ’isometric illustrations’, it may sound like a complicated thing but the reality is rather different. The isometric design revolves around drawing simple and clean illustrations of 3D objects but in two dimensions. Its purpose is to create that more vibrant feel of the design, compared to the regular, ’flat’ design.  

10. Duotones and Gradients

Duotones and so-called ’color transitions’ (gradients) are also making their way back in 2019, after a few years of drought. Gradients have been a well-recognized trend in the past, and the market felt it was time for a change. But in 2019, together with duotones, these graphic design trends are looking for a huge comeback.

And we would argue that it’s not only due to Spotify and their playlist covers that duotones are trendy again – we also see many designers opting for this style in logo design and movie posters.

The Bottom Line

In this article, we’ve shown you the 10 most inspirational graphic design trends for 2019, in our opinion. We’ve also made an argument that this year represents a certain crossroad in terms of the general course that the graphic design is making. 

While it’s true that we’re seeing some of the old styles coming back and dominating in the current year, we also see a clear sign of things moving towards a different direction. Predicting exactly how things are going to play out here is a difficult undertaking, but what’s certain is that even more exciting times are ahead of us.