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27th Sep 2019

7 Digital Marketing Mistakes to Avoid and Boost Your Sales

Digital marketing is one of the best ways you can promote and strengthen your business. It has been king for some time now, and it’s gonna stay that way for long. Now, the issue here, of course, is that it’s not really magic. Just because you implement some kind of digital marketing strategy doesn’t mean you will automatically get extreme and amazing results in a blink of an eye. No, you need to be thorough, you need to avoid some very common mistakes if you want to actually boost sales and get the results you want and need.
Making the mistakes listed out below is rather common. These are nothing to be ashamed of. Most often they are the result of taking digital marketing itself for granted, of thinking that it’s enough to just do the basics and you’re done. Getting these under control is going to be simple and easy, as long as you get some elbow grease in there and get to work.

Not understating your target audience

In order to see results, you need to understand your target audience, and to actually figure out who they are. You can just assume that a certain group will like what you have to offer, you actually have to have clear data in front of you, and some reach behind your back.
So, think long and hard – what kind of people will enjoy what you have to offer? How old are they, where do they hang out online?
You can really find a way to reach your target audience if you don’t know where they actually are. Figure out how old they are, what demographical data you need. Is your target audience exclusively college-educated, or are you looking for something a bit more general? Are you targeting only men, or are you going what both? What about professional status? Are you all about exclusiveness, or do you want to target as many people as possible?

No clear goals

A good marketing strategy needs to have very clear and direct goals. You can steer a sheep as much as you want, you can be the best captain around, but that won’t matter much if you don’t have a clear destination. The same goes for your marketing.
You need to figure out exactly what you want to achieve with your marketing strategies and ideas. Without clear goals, you will just be fumbling about, you won’t really know whether you are achieving any good results or not. So, set SMART goals, and stick to them. Then, you can adjust your course along the way.

Poor delegation…

This one is rather specific, but also rather common. Quite often a manager will simply delegate the marketing strategies and tactics to the marketing department or service, and be done with it. A good digital agency, like Dasho digital, for example, will give you the results you need with some basic input you provide. Delegating is all about handling tasks you can’t do to the experts. And while there is some utility in this approach, you should adhere to it completely.

…and not understanding your actual strategies

There are certain things that really shouldn’t concern managers and bosses – you simply don’t have the time or energy, you should focus on other things. However, that doesn’t mean you should have no insight into it at all, quite the opposite. The details should be left to the marketing department, but you need to have a clear outline of what are their plans, goals, and timelines are.

Being impatient

Too many people simply don’t give their marketing strategies the time that they deserve. In order to get some success and see some results, you need to be patient. Give it time, trust your people, results can’t and won’t show up immediately.
Being impatient means you will be making even more mistakes, and you won’t actually see any results. Perhaps the metrics need to show a decrease in sales until there is an honest uptick and improvement. It takes time, and it takes energy, but after a while, you will definitely see improvements.

Forgetting how important the customers are

You need to be customer-centric at all times. The customer does come first after, he or she is always right. Namely, you are not creating marketing systems and strategies that suit your interests and ideas. Rather, you are focusing on people, on fulfilling the needs of your clients first and foremost.
You should also take into consideration how impatient personalization is. Catering digital marketing strategies to your users’ interests and ideas is vital if you want good results.

Neglecting social media

Social media is a vital part of any marketing strategy. Not using Twitter and Facebook properly is a direct line towards failure. Many people need these social media platforms to figure out whether they can trust you or not. In fact, not having any kind of social media platform or presence will cause users to distrust you, to turn over to the competition.


Certain mistakes need to be avoided if you want to boost your sales and get the most out of your digital marketing strategies. You need to know where you are going, you need to understand your audience, and you should never neglect social media. Try to be honest with your business dealings, be patient, stick to your strategies and you will definitely see success.