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1st Sep 2020

3 Benefits of Hiring an SEO Agency

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Nowadays, search engine optimization (also known as SEO) is more important to businesses than ever. Part of this has to do with a shift in consumer behavior as more customers flock online to do their shopping rather than heading to the store. However, the other part has to do with the way that consumers find out information more generally. Rather than heading to the library to read up on a topic or watching a special on television, customers are heading to Google or Bing more and more. This means that you have a higher chance of getting in front of incidental customers' eyes if you rank well on search engines.

While search engine optimization is important for boosting your organic traffic, it's also worth noting that SEO is a complicated beast to tame. Search engines are always changing the variables and details that get calculated in their algorithms, which can make it difficult to tackle both engine optimization as well as on-page optimization. This is why using a digital marketing agency that specializes in SEO can be the perfect solution for businesses who're strapped for cash or hours but need a solid SEO strategy. There are dozens of reasons to use an SEO agency, but here are three of the most important benefits of hiring one.

You'll get a comprehensive SEO strategy.

Since SEO is so multi-layered, it's easy to get bogged down in the details. For example, even though search engine optimization ostensibly impacts where you rank on any search engine's results page, the aspects of your website and content that factor into that page rank stem from a variety of areas. How easy your web design is to navigate, how often other websites link to yours, whether or not your business' page is mobile optimized, and even whether or not certain keywords appear on your landing page or in page headers all have a role to play.

With a team of specialists with years of experience helping local businesses boost their search engine ranks, you'll get a comprehensive strategy to boost your SEO while leaving no stone unturned. SEO agencies help you identify where you're at, where you want to go, and then custom-tailor a plan that will boost your organic traffic using SEO and digital marketing best practices.

You won't need to worry about executing that strategy.

As you just read, there are a lot of tasks involved in any SEO strategy. From addressing issues with your web development to creating a more robust online presence through social media marketing, and improving your blog through link building campaigns and content marketing, SEO is clearly a full-time job. Especially for small business owners or startups unaware of technical SEO or keyword research, handling all of these search engine optimization services would take weeks out of your year to execute properly. That's why picking an SEO expert who cares about their client's business is ultimately a better strategy. Your marketing department has enough on its plate handling other aspects of its digital marketing strategy, so rather than toiling over how to build links and handle content creation beyond your existing workload, just let a marketing agency give you peace of mind.

An SEO agency will give you all the analytics you need to make informed decisions as a business owner.

Aside from offering measurable results, an SEO agency can handle the analytics to help provide progress reports about how your SEO campaigns are going. All of this can be set up in an easy-to-understand dashboard that helps you clearly chart the SEO metrics you're most interested in tracking. This helps you take a look at any gaps from a macro and micro point-of-view, ultimately helping inform how you want to tweak your strategy without getting you stuck in the weeds.