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13th Sep 2020

5 Tips on How to Revamp Your Sex Life

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If you have been with your partner a decent amount of time you may be feeling that your bedroom activities have started to become stale. Getting stuck in a sexual rut is relatively normal for most couples. Daily life and other responsibilities get in the way and push sex to the back burner. Many believe familiarity in a relationship is the death sentence for any sex drive. Whether your lack of sexual activity is due to sexual dysfunction or general boredom there are a few tips of the trade to get your sexual function back.

1. Try new experiences with your body

If you are feeling a little stiff, why not try a night out dancing or pick up a yoga class? To feel sexual it helps to be connected and in tune with your own body. A survey found that sexually inactive couples were prone to feelings of feeling unattractive. But if you can reclaim your sexual power it is a perfect way to get your groove back.

2. Be open with your partner

Even if you and your partner are busy try to take one night to sit together and have a raw discussion about what you both like and do not like sexually. This is the time to bring up maybe exploring new sex moves or positions and even discuss feelings on fertility. Talk about your secret fantasies. But make sure you don’t pressure yourself to be sexy. This conversation is all about finding out what you will enjoy not what will embarrass you. A research survey done in 2016 showed that men and women have very different expectations when it comes to sex. This is one of the main reasons couples need to make sure they are communicating on a daily basis.

3. Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction occurs when a man can't get or keep an erection firm enough for sexual intercourse. The disorder can be a sign of a physical or psychological condition. Many men in turn suffer from stress, low confidence, and a strain on their relationship. There are medications and devices that can assist like a pump. If you are looking into using male enhancement pills the Erectin Review is very positive. Erectin was created for men who feel they need a little help to perform when it comes to bedroom activities. This supplement aims at helping unsatisfying orgasms and impotence as well. The product uses a blend of 10 effective ingredients and has been clinically proved to treat most sexual disorders.

4. Go on a weekend getaway

Who doesn’t love a mini-vacation? Find a nice hotel where you can enhance your romance. You could even try role-playing. Try to really get into your character by wearing an outfit your alter ego may put on. Make sure you have a good back story for your character as well. Keep in mind that some couples may feel added pressure to create the perfect moment. But even if you decide not to play a role you and your partner can benefit from some bonding time. Take it easy and visit a local spot.

5. Masturbation

Okay, the idea of masturbating in front of your partner may cause you to think twice but many partners like to see their partner enjoying the pleasure. Many times, just watching can build intimacy between you two. When you allow your spouse to see where and how you enjoy being touched it shows a level of exposure and vulnerability. Masturbation also is proven to improve your mood and release stress. If you have already tried this tip why not partake in something a bit more adventurous like wearing a toy that your partner has full control over. If it is quiet enough you can wear it out on a date night with your partner holding the remote.