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2nd Feb 2021

How to Make a Major Career Change Later in Life

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Making a career change later in life can be stressful but exciting, too. More and more, adults with established careers are rethinking their long term goals and chasing dreams, going back to school, or starting their own businesses. Part of this is because the length of an average adult's working career is longer than ever before. Some of it is because cultural shits from technology like remote work, have made the global marketplace more accessible to all. Regardless of your reason for considering a career change later in life, you can easily make the switch now. For ideas on how to change directions with your career, read on.

Chasing Dreams

Maybe you've always dreamed of being a freelance writer or working in marketing as a graphic designer. If your day job is selling restaurant supplies in Seattle, there's no reason you can't have the best of both worlds. The truth is that technology has made it easier than ever to earn passive income and extra money while working full-time jobs. That is, if you want to chase your dreams, you can get started right away.

Whether your intent is to become a business owner or just for a small side hustle as an affiliate marketer, the best way to start is to make a list of things you've always wanted to do. Consider how much money it would take to make that transition now or if you're just looking for a change for extra income. In defining your goals early on, you can focus on the dream without losing the security of that full-time income.

When doing your research, look for jobs and fields that are in high demand in your free time. Consider jobs where you can make a lot of money but also jobs that pay less, too. The more open-minded you are about how to approach a career change, the better shot you have of making your dreams come true.

Starting Small

Maybe you've always wanted to open your own coffee shop or sell pottery out of your home. Think about ways to start small by finding gigs to make money on the side. Look for gigs in the area you ultimately want to work to get more life experience in your chosen future field. Maybe you work as a barista or do some marketing for a coffee brand online. Even as a social media manager for a coffee brand, you can get some experience that will help you decide how to approach your future change in career. Starting slowly in your next field will help you gain connections too.

While starting small, you'll still want to think up ways to build capital. An easy way to do this is to start with a part-time job you can do from home after work and on weekends. A home job will give you freedom with your own hours and free time for research on your next career moves. If you're not sure where to start, look into jobs as an independent contractor, mystery shopper, transcriptionist, or freelancer. Tuck that extra cash away for that business loan you'll soon be applying for.

Returning to School

For many people looking to start a new career, a simple way is to return to school. Think about online schooling or eLearning from the comfort of your home and what you'd like to study ahead of time.

Maybe you're compelled to practice law because you hope to make a difference but worry you're too old. The truth is, going to law school in your 30s or later is not that uncommon. In fact, law schools from New York City to Seattle have seen a huge uptick in law school applications from students like you. Application reviewers report that they enjoy the personal experience non-traditional students bring to universities and classrooms.

The best part about changing career goals later in life is that it gives you a variety of options to choose from as well as ultimate career satisfaction. Chasing your passions is a great opportunity for exploring a second career option. In paying attention to job boards, the gig economy, building side hustles, and keeping up with technology, your opportunities expand every day. Happy planning to you and good luck with your next adventure!