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What Features to Look for in a Gaming Mouse

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5th Apr 2021

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The best gaming experiences are reliant on the necessary equipment. Aside from a high-performance gaming computer, there are other pieces of equipment that many gamers must-have. An important requirement is a mouse that is compatible with playing style and comfort. On the market today are numerous types of devices from wireless and Bluetooth to those with programmable buttons and wheels. The gaming mouse has unique features that separate it from other regular mice, however.

While playing style isn't a feature to look for, it does dictate what features are needed. Gaming mice requirements depend largely on the type of game that is being played. As a result, the game that is being played will determine the features that are needed. What one gamer considers important might not be right for another. As an example, RTS and MMO gamers need additional buttons that can be programmed for alternative functions and macros. FPS gamers, however, need accuracy and precision tracking for their gaming experience. 

top gaming mouse has enhanced software that allows for customized tweaking and support for both high DPI and CPI. Compared to a gaming mouse, a regular mouse is known for high latency. To improve this, a gaming mouse uses sensors to track faster movements and responses. The best gaming mouse boasts versatility with unique features that improve the gaming experience. Let's take a look at some features to look for in a gaming mouse.


The type of sensor that will work best will depend on the playing style. Determining the right sensor for gaming mice will hinge on personal preference. The best gaming mice use either laser or optical sensors. In the world of gaming, there are mixed feelings about which type of sensor is the best. Laser sensors are known for high accuracy when it comes to tracking, but they rely on smooth hard surfaces. Optical sensors might sacrifice some accuracy but are more forgiving of the surface used. Optical sensors track reliably enough for gaming purposes. 


Another consideration is how the mouse connects to the computer. Historically, wireless mice were seen as having slow responsiveness and were not recommended for high reactive games. As technology has improved, however, wireless mice are now seen as equals with wired devices. It will really come down to preference and price as wireless mice are typically more expensive.


DPI or, dots per square inch, is the rate of pixels that the cursor on your screen will move per inch of movements of the mouse. This means that the appropriate DPI will depend on the size of your screen. Larger screens will require a mouse with a higher DPI. The CPI is the count per inch and determines the sensitivity of the mouse. It refers to the sampling per inch or how many steps per inch it can make. Together, these numbers determine how your mouse reacts to your movements. The higher these numbers the better the mouse will be in terms of sensitivity and ultimately the gaming experience.

Weights and Grip

As a gamer moves the mouse to instruct play, the grip and weight of a gaming mouse will be important. The weight of the mouse will determine the gaming style. Some mice are super lightweight and others offer varying weights for the comfort and mobility of the gamer. Some gaming mice even offer adjustable weights that can be changed depending on preferences. As far as grip is concerned, many gamers prefer fingertip, claw, or palm grip mice. The grip style of the mouse determines the weight and shape of the mouse. These are important features as they determine comfort and playing experience.

There are some additional features such as user profile saving, lighting, and customizations to consider. The mouse software package, as well as warranty, are also important features to consider. With gaming seeing big growth recently, the most important consideration for gaming mice is user comfort. Since most gaming mice on the market today will be sufficient for proper gaming, it will be important to choose a device that will work best for you.