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5 Crucial Safety Products for Infants

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6th Apr 2021

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Becoming a new parent is exciting, but it also comes with a ton of pitfalls that you were probably never aware of before you brought your bundle of joy home from the hospital. Whether your baby is a newborn, a toddler, or in between, there are quite a few safety products that you want to use to guarantee their safety.

From keeping them safe in the car with a reliable infant seat to keeping them safe when out on the water with a life jacket or vest and, of course, keeping them safe at home, there are quite a few products you should invest in. In this article, you'll find a few of those products.

1. Infant Life Jacket

While you may keep your newborn inside for a few weeks, if it's the start of spring or the middle of the summer, you're going to want to get out and about and maybe enjoy the water a little. Of course, you don't want to leave your infant or toddler at home, so it's important to purchase a high-quality infant life jacket to protect them. It's important to note that infant life jackets are designed for infants under 33 pounds, so keep that in mind when you're searching for a life jacket or a life vest.

You also want the life jacket or vest to be durable, have a buckle that fits securely, and a grab strap. If you're stopped by the coast guard and don't have a high-quality, durable, and approved life jacket for your infant, toddler, or yourself, you could be fined. Ensure that the life jacket is durable and safe, from the crotch strap to the grab strap and leg straps.

2. Baby Safety Gates

While you won't need a baby safety gate when you first bring your newborn home from the hospital, trust that you'll need to have them installed throughout your home before you know it. Babies start crawling and getting into everything quickly, so go ahead and get your baby gates and have them installed as soon as possible. Ensure that the baby gates you purchase meet all safety standards and install them in areas that your crawling baby or curious toddler could get hurt in.

3. Baby Breathing Monitor

As a parent of a newborn, you're going to be anxious about the health of your baby, and that anxiousness continues even after they're adults. While you can't do much to protect them when they become adults, you can purchase a baby breathing monitor when they're little. Many newborns have inconsistencies in their breathing. If you're worried about these inconsistencies, then a baby breathing monitor will help keep an eye on your baby's breathing and put your mind at ease.

4. Cord Windups

If you don't have cordless blinds throughout your home, you need to invest in cord windups. Cord windups make it possible for you to wind the cords on your window blinds up in such a way that tiny hands can't pull them down. Cords on blinds can get wrapped around an infant's neck or cause the blinds to come crashing down on top of them, causing serious injury.

5. Safety Latches

Locks and safety latch for your cabinets can go a long way towards protecting your baby from harm as they grow and become more curious about the world around them. It's best to install these safety locks and latches before you ever bring the baby home from the hospital.

These are just a few of the crucial products you need to protect your infant as they grow into a toddler. From safety latches to life vests for the water, you'll be prepared for life with a baby if you purchase these products ahead of time.