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Great Vacation Planning Tips

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30th Sep 2019

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So you’re planning a vacation — what a wonderful choice! Taking a break from your daily grind is very good for you, and traveling around can be a once-in-a-lifetime chance to see and experience unique things.

WIth that said, it’s no secret that vacation planning can be a real pain. Planning is the most stressful part of a vacation, and doing things wrong in this stage can leave you with a less enjoyable and less restorative vacation experience.

That’s why we’re here with some crucial vacation planning tips. From general guidelines to specific tips and tricks, you’ll find lots of valuable stuff below.

Start planning early — and try to finish early, too!

Virtually any vacation planning expert will give you this advice: Start planning your vacation as soon as possible! Planning early will give you more time to get the important stuff done, resulting in a less stressful and, in many cases, more effective vacation-planning process. Plus, planning early means that you’ll have a better shot and landing those hard-to-get tickets and reservations, and that the more readily available ones may be cheaper.

But don’t just start early: End early, too. Sure, you can tweak things here and there, but getting the important stuff nailed down and out of the way weeks before your trip actually happens can give you a really refreshing few weeks leading up to your big trip. Experts say that anticipation is the most fun part of a journey, and that planning is the most stressful part; why ruin the former with the latter? Get your planning done and out of the way with time left to enjoy looking forward to your well-planned trip.

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Research, research, research

Want to get the most out of your trip to Hawaii? Then you had better do your research: Check out lists of the best things to do in Maui, read reviews, compare prices, get guidebooks (checking them out of the library is a great way to avoid buying a travel book that will date quickly and may never be used again), and ask friends and family members for tips. Don’t just look for Hawaiian tourism resources: Read up on the locals, their culture, and their favorite things. 

What goes for Hawaii goes for every other potential destination, too, of course! The more research you do, the better your vacation will be.

Do something timely

Lots of top vacation attractions are open year-round, our at least all season long during the tourism season. That makes sense; they’re popular in part because they’re accessible! But you should also think about what events and experiences are available temporarily or one night only while you’re at your vacation destination.

Events are always coming and going from cities of all sizes, explain the experts who offer a sports event venue finder in Lansing, Michigan. A little research, especially in your destination’s local papers and culture blogs, might help you notice something exciting happening while you’re there. Is there a college bowl game? A cultural street fair? A big concert (especially one featuring a local act or a musician who is hugely popular in the place you’re visiting)? Don’t just stick to the events that cater to tourists year-round.

Duplicate important documents 

You’ll need certain things to get through your vacation in an organized and enjoyable manner. Passports, itineraries, hotel reservations, maps, and more: All of this is must-have stuff! And, in some cases, it makes a lot of sense for you to have duplicates. Make sure that you have extra copies of important information to share with others and to use as backups in case you lose something. While some things are more replaceable than others (don’t lose your passport!), this strategy can be a lifesaver when you lose track of some important paper.