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16th May 2020

5 Things You Need to Know About Brazilian Laser Hair Removal

Tired of shaving or waxing your bikini line all the time? You don’t have to deal with the time-consuming process of removing hair down there. Brazilian laser hair removal is a great option for women and men who are interested in permanently getting rid of unwanted body hair in the pubic area. In just a few sessions, you can expect smooth, stubble-free skin that you’ll be confident in flaunting in your swimsuit. 

If you’re considering Brazilian laser hair removal, there are a few factors to take into consideration first. Here, the certified laser hair removal professionals at Light Touch Laser Spa share five things you need to know before you book an appointment. 

1. You’re an ideal candidate if you have light skin and dark hair

In general, laser hair removal works best on those with light skin and dark hair, and that goes for Brazilian laser hair removal as well. Why? It all has to do with how lasers target hair follicles. Lasers are designed to find and destroy melanin (i.e. pigment), which is concentrated at your hair’s root. It’s much easier for a laser to find melanin when your skin is light. 

If you have a medium or dark skin tone, you can still get laser hair removal, but you may need additional sessions to see results or find a professional who specializes in treating darker skin tones. Laser hair removal is generally not effective on gray, blonde, or red hair.  

2. You’ll have to shave your bikini area first 

Before heading to your laser hair removal appointment, you’ll need to shave your bikini area so that the laser can effectively penetrate into the roots of your hair. While shaving is a must pre-laser hair removal session, steer clear of waxing, tweezing, or bleaching hair for a full month beforehand. That’s because the roots of your hair have to be intact in order for the laser to adequately destroy your hair, and those other hair removal methods get rid of hair at the roots. Shaving will keep your roots intact so the laser can easily find and destroy them. 

When it comes to Brazilian laser hair removal specifically, you have control over how you want the area to look. Think about whether you’d prefer a landing strip, triangle, or custom shape, and only shave the hair you want to be removed via laser. Your certified laser hair removal professional will leave the rest of your hair alone. 

3.  You may feel slight discomfort during and after a session

Laser hair removal is often described as feeling like a rubber band snapping against your skin or a warm, light pinch. The bikini area is highly sensitive, so you may feel more discomfort than you would if you were having a less sensitive area, like your arms or legs, treated instead. To help mitigate the discomfort, certified laser hair removal professionals will use a numbing cream on the area prior to beginning treatment. Some lasers also have cooling technology to prevent discomfort. 

Once your session is over, you may experience redness, itching, or stinging, but this should only last for about an hour or two. One major benefit of Brazilian laser hair removal is that you don’t have to worry about dealing with longer-lasting irritation or ingrown hairs like you do with waxing.

4. You should avoid working out for 24 hours after

After having Brazilian laser hair removal, you can go back to your regular life right away—there’s no downtime. That said, there are a few activities you should skip for a little while after a session. Because the heat from the laser stays in your skin for 24 hours, stay away from the gym and saunas and avoid taking hot showers immediately after your appointment. Those hot environments are the perfect breeding ground for bacteria, which can lead to bikini bumps and irritation. So, wait 24 hours before getting sweaty during a workout or soaking in a hot bath. 

There are a few other after-care practices worth following in the days after your appointment as well. For starters, don’t use any alpha hydroxy acids to exfoliate your bikini area. And no sunbathing! Sun exposure can cause dark spots to develop in the area. 

5. You will need more than one session to see results

Brazilian laser hair removal is not a one-time activity. In fact, it often takes more than one session to actually see any hair loss. Typically, certified laser hair removal professionals recommend 6 to 10 sessions every 4 to 8 weeks for the best, longest-lasting results. Everyone is different, so results will vary. You may need more or fewer sessions based on your individual skin and hair. Once you’re done, it’s time to show off your smooth, fuzz-free skin in your favorite bikini! 

Interested in Brazilian laser hair removal? Book a free consultation and get all of your questions answered by a Light Touch Laser Spa professional. 

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