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17th Dec 2020
Yes, we know that it sounds terrifying, but the truth is that motor accidents happen quite often – especially when you’re driving a car every single day. Keeping your cool is essential here, as well as filing an insurance claim immediately after a car crash. So, if you want to learn more about that, just keep on reading. Here is everything you need to know about car insurance claims, so check out our helpful tips and get down to it!
When an accident occurs, the first thing to do is to report it. Of course, it all depends on the specific circumstances, but you know what? In many countries, a motor crash needs to be reported to the police – especially if there are people injured in it. So, if you’re injured and you want to lodge a CTP claim, make sure to report the crash to the police before it. Besides that, you should also exchange important details with the other driver before the police arrive. This will speed up the whole process and get everything ready for the police officers.
Needless to say, taking notes and photos is more than welcome when a motor accident occurs. If you don’t have a pen and a piece of paper, use your smartphone to write notes. Write down everything that happened, where it took place, and how many people were involved. Also, don’t forget to take as many photos and videos as possible. Be sure to zoom on the damage on your vehicle and email them to yourself to keep track of essential details. Apart from that, you should email them to your car insurer as well. If they have a car insurance claims app, you can download it and document the damage and evidence step-by-step.
Notifying your insurer is the next crucial step towards lodging a car insurance claim. They will provide useful guidelines and help you do everything properly. You should file your claim as soon as possible, so that your insurer can begin to process it immediately. So, don’t procrastinate and file your claim either online or over the phone. If you delay it, your insurer probably won’t pay for any additional loss or damage caused by the delay. Of course, you must be completely honest with your insurer. They should know all the facts about the accident – no matter how embarrassing they are. If you fail to do so, they may invalidate your policy or deny coverage.
On the other hand, if you’re injured in a car crash, you must know that you’re probably entitled to compensation. This is the case in a lot of countries across the globe, so make sure to hire motor accident compensation lawyers if this applies to the country you live in, too. It’s important to remember that the extent of compensation depends on many different factors. These include the circumstances of the accident, as well as the degree of your injuries and whether the accident was your fault or not. Basically, compensation is there to cover your future loss of income and medical expenses that are a result of an injury. Of course, be sure to consult with your lawyers first. They will help you out with all the legal stuff you need to know about.
Repairing your car after an accident obviously is the last step you should take. However, you should be extremely careful with it – especially if you want to lodge an insurance claim. Yes, we know that temporary repairs seem like a great option after an accident, but you know what? The majority of insurers have specific suppliers and repairers that can arrange emergency repairs for you. This will save you a lot of money, time, and nerves, which is why you shouldn’t replace anything before you talk to your insurer. However, if there are some urgent repairs that need to be taken care of, at least keep the receipts. Your insurer might refund them later on.
As you can see, there are many useful things you should know about filing a car insurance claim after a motor accident. So, if you were in a car crash recently, just follow our guidelines and you’ll know exactly what to do. It’s a promise!