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9th Feb 2023

Reasons why hiring a construction lawyer is a smart idea

Many Australian owners of construction businesses aren’t strangers to all kinds of complications and issues. If you’re wondering how they successfully deal with all that, the answer is simple - they have good construction lawyers.

If you too want to run a successful construction business in Downunder, we recommend hiring an experienced construction lawyer. And if you’re unsure about what the lawyer can help you with – here are some examples and reasons why having a construction lawyer on your side is a smart idea.

1.      Construction lawyers know how to deal with everything

Construction lawyers specialize in various aspects of construction law. This means that they are qualified to deal with most things related to construction, such as contracts, legal issues, construction consultation and so much more.

Having a construction lawyer in your corner can help you avoid many complex issues. Of course, you should be careful who you hire. Before hiring a construction lawyer, make sure you do your research and hire someone well-qualified and, above all, experienced. By hiring experienced construction lawyers, you are saving yourself a lot of headaches and unnecessary problems.

2.      Contract drafting and handling

The number one reason construction firms hire construction lawyers is contract drafting and handling. In this type of business, contracts are highly important as they can protect both the construction firm and its clients.

To be able to draft a good contract that is both to the firm’s and the client's liking, you need an experienced lawyer. A lawyer who knows how to make a contract that will protect your interests, and who has experience in negotiation. Knowing how to negotiate contract terms, payments, and timelines is something only a good construction lawyer knows how to successfully do.

3.      Litigation and dispute resolution

In construction, legal issues are normal and many construction owners run into them. Running into legal problems won’t be any sort of problem for you if you can count on the help of a good construction lawyer.

For example, experienced building dispute lawyers from Sydney know exactly how to deal with litigation and dispute resolution. This is thanks to years of experience and many developed techniques that allow them to negotiate the best resolution for almost any issue you may encounter.

A construction lawyer will help you develop a legal strategy that will help you come out of the legal issue with minimal to no damages. That’s why you should avoid representing yourself in court and always hire a construction lawyer to help you out.

4.      Dealing with injury lawsuits

Just like litigation and disputes, injury lawsuits are quite common in the world of construction. No matter how much you try to avoid them, accidents and injuries on and around construction sites tend to happen more often than not.

When the accident or injury occurs, the injured party can decide to file a lawsuit. In case this happens, you need to be prepared. And of course, who better to help you out than your construction lawyer.

Once again, your lawyer will know how to handle this situation as well. How to prepare for court and negotiate the best outcome so that your business doesn’t get affected or damaged in the process. This is crucial for the further success of your company.

5.      Dealing with employment matters

The best way to avoid employment lawsuits is by being a good employer. Winning an employment lawsuit is not easy even with your lawyer in your corner. Of course, the best way to avoid anything like this is by simply respecting your employees and treating them fairly and without discrimination.

Your employees should also treat you the same way. In case the lawsuit happens, a construction lawyer will do their best to help you out. But as mentioned, try to avoid these sorts of lawsuits the best you can.

6.      Advice and planning

In many cases, construction lawyers are there to give you advice and help you plan the further development of your business. With time, your construction company will grow and expand, and the last thing you want on your way to expansion is problems and complications.

This is another reason why many construction companies hire lawyers – to help them navigate the industry and give them advice that will help them avoid making mistakes.

To make sure your company is running smoothly, hiring an experienced construction lawyer is the best thing you can do.

7.      Dealing delay claims

Construction delays are quite a nuisance both for contractors and owners. But unfortunately, they tend to happen quite a bit. A delay can cause much damage, from the increase in the cost of materials, the cost of hourly labor and so much more.

The reasons for construction project delays can also be many. However, regardless of the reason, your best option in case of delay is to hire a lawyer. Your construction lawyer will help you deal with delay breaches in the best possible way so that your company is affected minimally.


As you can see, there are many reasons why hiring a construction lawyer is a smart idea. You never really know when or what sort of issues may arise along the way. Sometimes, having a construction lawyer who will advise you in the regular, everyday workings of your company is also a good idea.