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18th Jan 2012
It's the Nissan Renault Alliance Cocoa Hut - a pitstop for executives attending the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting and a place where every steaming hot chocolate cup is warmed by zero-emission power.
Through donations to Nike's Mata No Peito programme, every cup served generates USD$1.00 to help save and protect Amazon rainforest.
The Cocoa Hut demonstrates Nissan's groundbreaking LEAF-to-Home techonology, which uses the car's 24kWh Lithium-ion battery topower the home. Everything at the Cocoa Hut - from the hobs warming the drinks to wireless charging stations for devices to the lights and music, are all powered by the car - using 100% renewable energy from Davos-based EWD.
Listen in to the sounds of the Cocoa Hut via the exclusive mix from DJ James Pople for Hub Culture on Soundcloud here, or via podcast on iTunes here.
Nissan LEAF is more than just a car. It can also serve as a power source for your household appliances - everything from your TV to your fridge, even your washing machine.
The car intelligently manages the flow of electricity from the battery through the same connection port used for fast charging. This electricity is then sent for distribution through your house or to stand-alone electrical appliances by a specially-constructed Power Control System (PCS) that lies at the heart of the system.
The DC power from the battery is converted by an inverter in the Power Control System to an AC current for domestic use. The Distribution Board is equipped with a transformer to ensure that a safe and stable power supply can be drawn from the plug sockets.
Nissan LEAF can power an average house for about 2 days- as an example, an average home in Japan consumes about 12kWh per day.
This is also great news for owners of electric vehicles who generate their own power from wind or solar sources- the Nissan LEAF suddenly becomes an energy storage device for their home! Nissan LEAF owners who live in areas with unstable power supplies will have less to fear from power cuts with the introduction of this smart technology.
Where to Get it...
The good news is the wait will not be too long! Nissan plan to begin sales of the LEAF-to-Home device in Japan with home construction partner Sekisui House in spring, and development of this exciting technology continues with both Alliance partners looking at applications to Nissan and Renault electric vehicles.
For more information on LEAF-to-Home, go to: http://www.nissan-global.com/EN/NEWS/2011/_STORY/110802-01-e.html
For more information on the Alliance, visit: http://blog.alliance-renault-nissan.com