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The 2025 Davos Leadership Campus is presented by Mastercard, Hedera, Handshake, US Steel, Dell Technologies, Sabic, S&P Global, XBTO, Foreign Policy, Imperial, World 50 Group and WCF.

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Davos Campus Overview

The Hub Culture Davos Leadership Campus is open 18-25 Januayr 2025.

The Hub Culture Davos Leadership Campus is designed to enable collaboration for influencers working in Davos. An galaxy of spaces with internet enabled technology allows members and guests to collaborate in new ways, with symposiums, negotiations, general working and networking on order for a community of specially invited influencers from around the world. A social media center is also open for ongoing influencer interviews.

Online scheduling for seats and facilities, valet services, salons, exclusive events, symposiums and the social media center define the Pavilion experience. Modern design accented with contemporary art, concierge services, travel help and climate forward amenities complete the space. Participation and guest access at the Pavilion is by invitation to approved partners.


Special events

Meeting space

Concierge services

Networked workspace

Wifi and printing

Private chefs

Evening salons

Private drivers in Davos

Online collaboration

Social media

Web video

Streaming Content 

Location, Contact & Booking

Hub Culture Chalet Pavilion, Promenade 107, 7270 Davos Platz, Switzerland.

[email protected] 

Strategic: [email protected]

Producer: [email protected]

Interviews: [email protected]

Payments: Ven

All payments in the Pavilion are conducted in Ven, are billed online and require a HubCulture.com account. Ven is a virtual currency used by members of Hub Culture to buy, share and trade knowledge, goods and services.

Ven is used at all Hub Culture Pavilions. The currency floats in a basket of currencies, commodities and carbon futures.

For more information & bookings, please contact your Davos Valets at the Davos Pavilion & for a full schedule, information & events visit http://hub.vg/davos