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26th Feb 2014

Hub Culture Opens Developer Portal

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Hub Culture has released an advanced set of APIs for software developers, including global pricing and mobile application tools and special applications for Ven Authorities with high frequency pricing and hedging capabilities.

The Hub Culture Developer Portal opens new doors for the development of Ven pricing and trading information worldwide, and are the first in a set of tools coming in 2014 to help the software development community take better advantage of the benefits provided with Ven.

Ven Authorities

In order to make Ven more accessible, Hub Culture authorizes independent entities known as Authorities to manage the liquidity of Ven. Organizations may acquire this status for various purposes. For example, a bank would typically operate accounts on behalf of their customers. A currency exchange would be doing real-time currency trading. An NGO might issue relief aid or micro-finance support. A corporation might convert assets to Ven to hedge their balance sheet or to meet carbon obligations. An investment fund might use authority status to hold and control large amount of Ven for a stable long-term investment solution.