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18th Aug 2016
The Hub Culture Hack brings together developers and innovators over a weekend to work on new technologies to support the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Partners include venue host Rise, Forbes, ClimateWeekNYC, MIT Connection Science, Ven, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the American Carbon Registry.
Award of 10,000 Ven ($1,000) for best technology, reviewed by a Hub Culture 5 person judging panel.
Award of $1,000 by the American Carbon Registry for best application related to their agriculture data task.
Criteria: Using APIs available from MIT Connection Science, Hub Culture, Ven, the blockchain ecosystem and the open internet to tackle tasks and ideas in three areas: climate, identity and financial inclusion.
Saturday: 9.00 am Panel review of the Global Goals, available APIs and hackathon goals
Review of prize tasks on climate, identity and financial inclusion
10.00 am Brainstorm session and Team Formations
11.00 am Project teams commence
Sunday: 8.00 am Teams Convene
5.00 pm Team Presentations to Judges
6.30 pm Winner announcements and Celebration Brewskis